Youth Emphasis Day ‒ On Purpose
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Jun 14, 2019, 3:56 PMDarell J. Philip

Youth Emphasis Day ‒ On Purpose

Hackney Seventh-day Adventist church drew a huge crowd of youth as they hosted their youth day on Sabbath 8 June 2019. The theme, On Purpose, reminded those present that God has a good plan and purpose for their lives. "You are special because you are created in the image of God and He has a purpose for all of your lives," said Assistant Youth leader, Freda Ojo.

Michaela Mathieu-Marius, another Assistant Youth leader, shared a presentation on a planned trip to Rwanda this August after a mass funeral of 21 individuals was held due to a lightning strike of a Seventh-Day Adventist church there last year (see following link):

"Whilst on a mission trip to Rwanda, I lost one of my Year 5 students in the lightning strike. 16 young people from Hackney and other Adventist churches will be travelling out there to rebuild the church and a playground. It costs just 3 pounds to give an individual health insurance for a year," said Michaela. Hackney Youth leader, Rebecca Marshall, welcomed all the youth in attendance.

The Hackney Mime group held the audience's attention with their captivating performance to the gospel song, Open my eyes. Prayer leader, Eileen Philip, prayed for all the youth present.

The guest speaker was Wezley Bishop who made a 2.5-hour journey from Birmingham to Hackney along with members from his church. Wezley encouraged the youth that it is okay to dream big and that no matter how people try to stop that dream, God will always have the final say as in the case of Joseph. "When God has given you a purpose you must speak it out to other people as it makes them accountable for reminding you of it while God releases the power needed in your life to fulfil that purpose," said Wezley. Sharing the effectiveness of being a witness for Christ wherever you are, Wezley told the young people to emulate the life of the Apostle Paul, who was able to share Jesus with customers whilst making tents. He concluded his message by saying, "There should be no ineffective participants in church because both young and old have been given a plan and purpose of good from God to fulfil and live up to. God calls us to minister beyond the four walls of the church. We must learn to push our Christianity rather than our Adventism and live a life of purpose on purpose."

A vibrant praise and worship session led by Michaela Mathieu-Marius, Adrian Blake and others took place in the afternoon along with some interactive activities such as a quiz based on church and biblical history alongside a debating contest called On the fence. Author and poet, Thembe Mvula, shared a poem reflective of the day's theme. As the day came to an end, it was fair to say no one wanted to leave. Hackney First Elder, John Mathieu, clearly happy to see so many youth, encouraged them to live a life of purpose during the week and see how much God blesses them.

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