Victory over sexual sin event captivates Balham Church
Victory over sexual sin event captivates Balham Church 4A

Jun 13, 2024, 1:11 PMMark Grey

Victory over sexual sin event captivates Balham Church

For a Sunday afternoon it was quite a phenomenon. The atmosphere was electric, charged with anticipation as the audience assembled at Balham SDA Church and sat in eager anticipation. Shortly after 2pm Tyeesha Holt came to the microphone. “Good afternoon y’all, it’s great to be here. Forgive me if I am a little nervous.” With that, the entire room exhaled as one and what followed was a testimony of God’s healing, saving, and delivering power so real and so strong that for one hour no one left their seats, no one moved. Tyeesha took us on a journey of discovery from the beginnings as a beautiful innocent three year old, through rejection, abuse, fear, longing, loneliness. Living as part of the LGBTQ community in relationships built on coercion and deception, until finally the love of God reached her in the most unusual way and she allowed the voice of God to speak Restoration and Healing back into her life.

Tyeesha Holt has a desire to tell all her friends and acquaintances in the LGBTQ community about the healing power of God, but The Lord told her to wait. “My church is not yet ready. Go first to my church and prepare THEIR hearts to receive them, love them, and THEN show the LGBTQ+ community the way to ME, so they too can be saved and find eternal life.”

Tyeesha states as her mission: My assignment is to express the gospel in a way that brings truth to the LGBTQ community and to equip the body of Christ to effectively minister to those influenced by the practice of homosexuality. In order to fulfil this assignment, the body of Christ has to be educated on what homosexuality really is and not what the world has made it out to be.

She continues: My own, personal story of overcoming homosexuality is raw and uncut. Although I experienced a lot while living a homosexual lifestyle, I want to express how the worst part of my testimony was not that I was gay but instead how it took so long for someone to approach me with biblical, sound truth for me to begin a path to overcome it.

There followed an engaging and powerful Q&A session which included a presentation from SEC Religious Liberty Director Dr Brighton Kavaloh where he laid out the legislative constraints that are being put in place to restrict speaking against, and preaching to, the LGBTQ+IA community. Tyeesha had her three books on offer, which I would encourage every member to secure, or at the very least every church should have in their church library available for every department and member.

God’s image in full armour (for children):

Nothing Gay about Being Gay: Tyeesha’s story of her breakthrough deliverance and salvation.

The Way Out: Some of the frequently asked questions of how to deal with members of the LGBTQ community and suggestions of the best way to approach and answer these queries.

All books packed with her story in detail and information on how we can best educate and inform ourselves on the way the Evil One seeks to enter and destroy God’s plan for our relationships, our lives, and our church.

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