Tottenham Lighthouse Celebrates Women’s Day of Prayer
Tottenham Lighthouse Celebrates Women s Day of Prayer Users vounteers at STLOC

Mar 20, 2024, 11:11 AMGlenda Atkinson (Assistant PR Officer) & Maxine Donovan.

Tottenham Lighthouse Celebrates Women’s Day of Prayer

Despite the heavy downpour of rain, Sabbath, 2 March 2024 will long be remembered in a special way by members and guests visiting Tottenham Lighthouse Church. It was the first Sabbath of trialling a later start time for Church services. Sabbath School started at 10:30am instead of 9:30am and Divine Service started at 12 noon instead of 11:00am. It was the one-year anniversary of ‘Sharing the Love Outreach Centre’ (STLOC) held weekly at the former Lighthouse church building, and the day we witnessed a remarkable celebration of International Women's Day of Prayer, marked by an inspiring sermon and a heart-warming presentation by Sister Sophia Munangati.

Before Divine Service started, time was allotted to acknowledge and mark the one-year anniversary of STLOC. This was remarkable, as it nearly never opened. We were discouraged after a decision was made that would have caused STLOC to close after six weeks of opening. We remembered who called us to set up STLOC, and on Thursday, 2 March 2023 we boldly stepped out in faith to serve the community. The rest is history. Not long after opening, one of the users of the Centre said, “This place came to save me.” We were blessed to see months after she had made that statement, that she re-committed her life to God and was given the right hand of fellowship on Sabbath; 24 February 2024.

Elder Sandra Martelly a key figure at STLOC was overseas in St Lucia, but sent a video. She spoke about the tremendous impact of STLOC and its outreach efforts. She told us about the help and support given to the community through counselling sessions, massages, assistance with mobile phones, providing food to elderly members and so much more. STLOC exemplified love in action. At the end of the video users of STLOC were invited to the front of the Church. They received ‘Thank You’ cards, some with cash for those who were homeless, and a long-stemmed rose. A special prayer was said for them by Sis Marion Amartey-Wadibia. At the end of the service, the users and volunteers received gifts and a group photo was taken. One of the users of STLOC requested a photo with only himself and one of the volunteers, whom he referred to as his ‘Mommy.’

Before Sister Sophia Munangati preached the word, the congregation formed groups of five and engaged in prayer, fostering a sense of unity and collective spirituality. The closing prayer for this session was led by one of our senior members, Sister Riley, and it set the tone for the sermon that followed. Sister Omega's soul-stirring song, "The Battle Is Not Yours, It’s the Lord’s," served as a meditative interlude, preparing hearts for the transformative message.

The focal point of the day was Sister Sophia Munangati's sermon titled "Bring Me the Ephod." Addressing the congregation, she passionately conveyed that despite the challenges faced, the devil is not in control; God can triumph over any battle. Highlighting the power of prayer, Sister Sophia urged everyone to ignite their prayer life, emphasizing that even without an apology, forgiveness is crucial. She affirmed, "Prayer is the key that unlocks the storehouse of heaven. Keep praying; God is alive, and an answer is coming for you." The speaker's words resonated, especially as she urged those struggling to surrender to God, assuring them that someone is fervently praying for them. Sister Sophia emphasized the importance of perseverance and faith, concluding with an unwavering message: never give up, for divine intervention is on the way.

Tottenham Lighthouse continues to be a beacon of love, faith, and support to the community. This is demonstrated through initiatives like "Sharing the Love", STLOC, the Food Hub, The Mothers’ Group and other community-led activities which members do as a natural response to being followers of Jesus Christ. The Words of Jesus will always be our guide, “A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” John 13.34-35 (KJV).

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