Tottenham Lighthouse: April - A Month of Prayer, Pain and Praise
TLC April The late Karita Solomon and family Elder Roger Charles

May 15, 2024, 9:43 AMMaxine Donovan, Communications & Prayer Ministries

Tottenham Lighthouse: April - A Month of Prayer, Pain and Praise

The month of March ended on a spiritual high. We were blessed by the impressive level of youth participation and the presentations by Pastor Selburn Fray from Canada during the Youth Week of Prayer organised by Sis Suzette Rodgers and her team. April started with great expectations, but in the midst of our prayer and praise we had pain - death of our loved ones.

On Sabbath, 6 April 2024 Sis Alice John, Prayer Ministries Leader and her team held an All-night Prayer Meeting with the theme, ‘Travailing and Prevailing in Prayer’. We were blessed to have our own Pastor Dr Jude Jeanville doing the first presentation, despite being on Sabbatical. We acknowledge the support of all those who took part, especially non-members of Tottenham Lighthouse including: Pastor Dr Dudley Hosin, Director of Health & Publishing and Prayer Coordinator, Jamaica Union Conference and Sis Michelle Peart, Halesowen Central SDA Church, West Midlands - both gave powerful and inspiring presentations; Sis Esther Phillips-Emden from First Church SDA, Alabama who sang and shared a powerful testimony; Elder Ruth Walcott – Prayer Ministries Coordinator from Central Jamaica Conference who led out in the Season of Prayer with a member of her team; Elder Albertha Staines from Jamaica who did the Prayer of Thanksgiving and Sis Nadien Samuels, Singing Evangelist from Jamaica. The All-night Prayer Meeting was a spirit-filled occasion, and we received uplifting comments. To God be all the glory.

Sabbath, 13 April was themed, ‘Alpha and Omega’, organised by Sis Dr Audrey Soyam and her team from the Music Dept. The focus was not just on music, as a large segment of the service was set aside for prayer. The speaker for Divine Service was Sis Linda Asare, SEC Prayer Coordinator who preached an inspiring message. Four Prayer Warriors from other Churches were chosen and they were stationed at different areas of the Church. Each was given one of the Prayer Points below: 1. The miracle of healing and health, 2. Our Children – their wellbeing, walk with God, restoration and reconciliation with God. 3. Those seeking spiritual growth and renewal, 4. Enlargement of territory: financial breakthrough, career advancement, blessings on personal and professional endeavours. Members and our special visiting guests flocked to the areas where the Prayer Warriors were based. This was done again after the message was preached and Sis Linda Asare joined the other Prayer Warriors to pray for those who wanted prayer.

Sunday, 14 April was another day for praises to the Most High God. Our Mother in Zion, Sis Daphne Clarke celebrated her 90th birthday at a function organised by her family. This was a remarkable milestone, considering that at the age of three when she was suffering from a serious illness, the doctors at the hospital had given up on her surviving. She has been used by God to touch many lives, including mine. It was a wonderful occasion. We were blessed to have in attendance Pastors Vaughn Thorpe and Dr Michael Hamilton (accompanied by their wives) and Dr Jude Jeanville, members and friends. Sabbath, 20 April Dr Michael Hamilton preached. He was accompanied by his wife, Sis Rhona. It was a wonderful homecoming.

In the midst of our prayers and praises we had to deal with the loss of members and their relatives. We were already grieving the loss of: Bro C ‘Paul’ Pollock; Sis D Edwards; Sis E Ifill; Bro C Bramble’s nephew, Derek Bramble; Sis Karita Solomon; Bro & Sis Buffong’s son, Trevor Semper; Sis Doreen Green-Tyser’s sister, Anne; Sis B Rutherford’s brother, Bro George McGhan’s grandmother and Sis K ‘Zanita’ Young’s 21-year-old son Jeavonn Barracks who died while attending Oakwood College. However, the sceptre of death still lingered. 4 April we were informed that Sis Valerie Strachan, our Assistant Conference Treasurer had lost her brother in Grenada. 11 April, a week later, we were informed that Sis Valerie’s brother who lived in London had died that day. As a Church we were all devastated by the news, because if one hurts we all hurt. The situation could only be described as grief on top of grief.

Although experiencing pain, the members of Tottenham Lighthouse organised the ADRA Charity Concert & Social on Sabbath, 27 April – the final day of the 2024 ADRA Appeal. We were supported by members from other Churches such as Bro Erol Innerarity, Elder Louanne Sampson, Sis Omega Edwards, Sis Yemi and a member of the community Kevin McLaughlin. The event was well attended and those who could not be present in person to give an offering and/or purchase food donated online on the Just Giving Page. Over a £1,000 was raised as a result of this event. Special guest was Catherine Boldeau - ADRA & BUC Director of Stewardship. She promoted ADRA and did the Vespers to close the concert.

An old adage states, ‘Be my feelings what they will, Jesus is my Saviour still.’ Despite the pain the members of Tottenham Lighthouse are experiencing, we remain steadfast, unmoveable and abounding in the work of the Lord.

Written by:

Maxine Donovan, Communications & Prayer Ministries

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