Tottenham Lighthouse – A ‘Marriage' Made in Heaven
Bro Morton posing by the one year annversary poster 1

Jul 26, 2023, 7:33 PMMaxine Donovan

Tottenham Lighthouse – A ‘Marriage' Made in Heaven


On Sabbath, 17 June 2023 there was an atmosphere of excitement – joy mixed with thanksgiving - at Tottenham Lighthouse Church. We were in a celebratory mood because of the number of wonderful events taking place that day. Top of the list was the Church's one year anniversary; the merging of Tottenham West Green Road and Lighthouse to form the Tottenham Lighthouse Church. The merger, which was orchestrated by God, can only be described as a marriage - a match made in heaven. The celebrations were heightened by the melodious singing of the Praise Team, Sis Insiah Edgecombe and Sis Tashae Waldron.

Members, both young and old, spoke of the journey so far. The youth spoke of the many positive aspects of the merger - combined resources, a stronger force in serving the community and the smooth integration of both Churches into one body. An older member said that despite knowing that the merger was an answer to prayer, there were some initial mixed feelings. However, all fears and doubts slowly disappeared after experiencing genuine love and care from their new brethren.

Members from the two merged Churches are actively involved in and committed to all aspects of Tottenham Lighthouse's mission. The success of the union is captured in a comment made by a youth. “I thought that the name change would have been difficult to accept, but now saying 'Tottenham' without saying 'Lighthouse' seems so strange.” This is so true, ‘for the twain have become one.’ We have concluded that the harmonious union is because of God’s leading.

Tottenham Lighthouse had many other things to celebrate. The previous Sabbath, 10 June, one of our children, Fitz Vernon Jr (not yet a teenager), made a powerful presentation at the Women’s Emphasis Day 2023 held at the Dominion Centre. The video was replayed and there was a hearty ‘Amen’ when he ended his presentation and also when Sis Sharon Platt –McDonald, BUC Director of Health, Women's Ministries and Community Services spoke positively about this promising youngster.

Adding to the day's excitement was the blessing of Baby Daylan Samuels. Stephanie and Donovan brought their little bundle of joy to the House of the Lord to be blessed. They were accompanied by many family members and friends. Our Pastor, Dr Jude Jeanville, with the help of the elders conducted the Baby Dedication Service.

It was also the day that one of our senior members, Bro Jonathan Morton celebrated his 93rd birthday. Tottenham Lighthouse was not going to allow this milestone to go quietly. Bro Morton walked steadily and unaided to the platform to collect his bouquet of flowers, with Elder Soyam by his side to ensure that all went well. God has blessed many of our members with long life. There is Sis Mallette who is 100, Sis Ifield who is 99, Bro Blackman who is 97, Sis Wilson who is approaching her 91st birthday - to name a few. We give God thanks and praise.

Also, Sis Blackman who has served the Church faithfully for 30 years, was recognised and presented with a gift hamper.

It was late in the day when Dr Jude Jeanville entered the pulpit. However, he surprised us all as he rose to the challenge and gave one of his shortest sermons - yet power packed. He spoke about 'Milestones' and his text was 1 Samuel 7:6 & 12. The Church was encouraged to pray in every situation.

The atmosphere of excitement over-spilled to Sabbath, 24 June as we celebrated Father’s Day. The Family Life Department, under the leadership of Bro Ordon & Sis Cheryl Simmons, paid special tribute to the fathers present and gave them a gift bag. Later in the afternoon, gifts were distributed to fathers from the community who came to collect their supplies from the Food Hub.

Tottenham Lighthouse celebrated its one-year anniversary (in an unfinished building), giving God all the praise, honour and glory for the journey so far. Like Samuel we can confidently say, '...Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.' 1 Samuel 7:12

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