South London Hispanic Church's Hybrid Evangelism Programme
South London Hispanic Hybrid Evangelism 2024 2

Jul 16, 2024, 5:30 PMPastor Luis FajardoLondon

South London Hispanic Church's Hybrid Evangelism Programme

A Beacon of Hope and Community

In the heart of South London, a beacon of hope and community shines brightly at the London Hispanic Church. Launched in March under the inspiring motto, "We are collaborators with God in your salvation and happiness," a hybrid evangelism programme has been weaving a tapestry of faith, support, and education for the Hispanic community within the South England Conference Territory.

With approximately 206,000 Spanish nationals residing in the United Kingdom in 2021, the church identified a significant opportunity to serve the spiritual and emotional needs of the 13,200 Hispanic immigrants living within a 30-minute public transport radius of the church in Lambeth, South London. The church’s strategy targets four groups: ex-Adventists, people with Adventist relatives, alumni of Adventist educational institutions, and those who have attended campaigns or received Bible studies.

The programme consists mainly of three innovative midweek programmes:

Family School (Sundays): A family orientation programme led by mental health experts, providing crucial support and guidance. Nights of Power (Wednesdays): A two-hour podcast-style prayer programme offering solace and intercession for members and non-Adventists. This We Believe (Fridays): An informative study of the 28 Adventist beliefs, fostering understanding and enlightenment.

The Family School programme, particularly the "Mental Health for Immigrants," a five-section series completed in June imparted by Sadis Valencio, a Canadian-based psychologist specialised in intervention in disorders such as anxiety, depression and low tolerance to stress, resonated deeply with the community. Hundreds followed the live broadcasts on Facebook and YouTube, a testament to the programme's profound impact.

“Seeing how faith impacts viewers' mental health and resilience, even in the most challenging moments, reminds me of the importance of finding meaning and purpose in the toughest challenges. Addressing their deepest concerns and accompanying them has been truly inspiring for me,” said the psychologist Sadis Valencio.

Under the leadership of Pr Luis Fajardo, the church has been mobilised towards this noble effort, yielding tangible results. By God’s grace, 54 individuals discovered the church through social networking and joined the Sabbath services, with several becoming regular attendees. The digital strategy has borne analogue results, with nine expressing interest in Bible studies and seven consistently participating in services.

Among the attendees is Jenny from the Dominican Republic, an alumnus of an Adventist school who, along with her children, has been attending the church for five consecutive Sabbaths. She invited her colleague Pilar, an ex-Adventist from Colombia who has also been rekindling her faith journey through regular church services and events attendance.

The programme's success was highlighted during the first July Sabbath service, when eight visitors, including Jenny and her older daughter, responded to an appeal for baptism by Pastor Carlos Campitelli, the Youth Director of the South American Division.

The South London Hispanic Church's programme is a shining example of how faith communities can effectively engage with and support their members in today's digital age, fostering salvation and happiness in partnership with God. The church's efforts continue to grow, motivated by the transformative experiences of its congregation and the promise of expanding its reach through hybrid evangelism.

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