Sep 13, 2018, 10:04 AMGrace Odumuzor

South Bristol Health Expo

Neatly tucked away between a corner shop, a large unused pub and several flats is the South Bristol church. It is comprised of over 50 members and was recently inaugurated into the sisterhood of churches of the South England Conference. Over the last three years the church has been seeking innovative ways to reach this predominantly Muslim community but to no avail. However, this year, Grace Odumuzor (Health Ministries leader), Elder Billy Odumuzor (Head Elder) and the rest of the health team planned and prayed for divine intervention.

A Mini Health Expo was organised by Grace and Billy Odumuzor on Sunday 9 September which was sponsored by the Bristol Joint Evangelistic Committee (BJEC). At the end of the day the team was rejoicing about the number of people who came and sampled the vegetarian delicacies, completed mini health checks, engaged in meaningful conversations and asked questions about the Adventist Church.

Speaking after the event Grace noted the majority of the attendees enjoyed the food, snacks and drinks and took some of the leaflets. Also, a large number have expressed interest in programmes that look at healthy living. One Muslim lady and her family came and were extremely impressed by the whole setting. The children were happy to stay, play and share in the day's activities. As a matter of fact, they said, "if these activities were to be conducted every Sunday we would be happy to attend."

Overall, we were pleasantly surprised with the turnout. New relationships were formed, and contact details were given. Grace from South Africa, a good friend of our own Grace Odumuzor, came to the event. During conversations she opened up about her current trials and difficulties. She disclosed that God has been speaking with her about her faith and spirituality. She used to attend a parish of the Church of England but became disinterested and disengaged as the worship services were not speaking to her needs. Our pastor, Royston Smith, spent some time listening to her while providing pastoral care. In the end, she decided that she wanted to explore Adventism. She was prayed for and felt at peace.

Over 26 noncommunity people attended the event. Special thanks to BJEC for funding the programme and all church members who participated. Grace is seeking to engage the local church members in various health activities, to enhance and encourage member involvement in church outreach programmes as well as promote cohesion as a church community

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