Seven Souls Won for Jesus - Wimbledon International Church
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Sep 18, 2024, 4:11 PMCommunications, SEC

Seven Souls Won for Jesus - Wimbledon International Church

Last Sabbath, Wimbledon International Church hosted a joyous and uplifting baptismal service. Seven souls, in a beautiful display of faith, publicly committed their lives to Jesus. Two of these individuals were inspired by our digital and hybrid evangelism, a testament to the expanding reach of the gospel in today's digital age. The service was a celebration of God's transformative power, with members and visitors alike witnessing His work in our community. Led by Pastor Arthur Campbell and Vili Costescu, with Pastor Rodolfo Portes officiating, the event was a culmination of our collective effort, demonstrating the power of unity and harmony within our church.

The success of this baptism was a testament to the diligent efforts of our evangelism team. Their tireless online and offline work was instrumental in engaging potential candidates. Their perseverance, particularly in digital evangelism, demonstrated how modern technology can be harnessed to connect with individuals and lead them to Christ. Their efforts, including the strategic use of prayer ads run on social media, helped spark meaningful spiritual conversations and engagement. The combination of personal connections and digital outreach proved to be a powerful tool in leading individuals to the baptismal waters. Through consistent follow-ups, online and in-person Bible studies, and meaningful digital interactions, the team guided these individuals from initial curiosity or need for prayer to a full commitment to baptism.

This success was also made possible through the leadership of the South England Conference (SEC) Communication Department, in collaboration with the General Conference (GC). Their support in providing digital resources and strategies for hybrid evangelism was pivotal in reaching a broader audience and ensuring that the message of salvation was shared across various platforms. The collaboration between the local church, the SEC, and the GC exemplified the unity of purpose in spreading the gospel in innovative and impactful ways.

As Pastor Vili Costescu shared after the service, "This is a testament to what can happen when we combine traditional methods with new technology and when the church works together with determination and faith." The day celebrated God's grace, the power of teamwork, and the far-reaching impact of digital evangelism.

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