SEC London Area 6C Camp Meeting: Maranatha! Are you ready?
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Jul 31, 2024, 9:59 AMDarell J. Philip, London Area 6C Communications Coordinator

SEC London Area 6C Camp Meeting: Maranatha! Are you ready?

This year’s South England Conference (SEC) Camp Meeting was done rather differently, taking place in 17 venues across the SEC. The London Area 6C Camp Meeting, held in two venues – the Clapton Community and London Ghana SDA churches, hosted by Pastors Nerine Barrett (who is also the SEC Community Ministries Director) and Bright Agyemang-Baah respectively, brought spiritual revival to those in attendance both in person and online. SEC Communications Director, Dr. Sorin Petrof and SEC Teens Director, Pastor Joojo Bonnie were just two of the few Conference Directors in attendance at either venue.

The early Morning Manna sessions, hosted by SEC Prayer Ministries Director with guest speaker, Pastor Juan Carlos Patrick, under the theme, *Out of Your Desert and into His Promised Land*, looked at the ministry of Moses and encouraged members to faithfully look to God and follow Him as did this great prophet of old, taking comfort in the knowledge that God has a plan and purpose of good for all His children. “Your trauma will become your triumph and your misery will become your ministry,” encouraged Pastor Juan Carlos Patrick.

Each evening, interactive Bible study sessions based on real-life topical themes took place at the Clapton SDA Church and were led by SEC Personal Ministries Director, Pastor Royston Smith. Alongside these were health presentations by professionals within the various churches, covering various topics which provided valuable tips on ways to improve mental, physical, and spiritual health.

Guest Singing Evangelist, Louanne Sampson’s thoughtful meditations, including moving renditions of *I have fixed my mind on another home* and *I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ*, prepared both hearts and minds for the messages that came from the guest speaker, Dr. Mark Braithwaite. Currently ministering in Miami, Florida, Dr. Braithwaite is no stranger to the SEC and indeed London Area 6C, having been born and raised in Hackney, East London. His messages, filled with hope and preached with power and conviction, encouraged members to press on in their journey while also remaining steadfast and always abounding in the work of the Lord. “The plan of salvation was planned in the portals of heaven. He who has promised to return will not tarry. There is coming a day when death will be swallowed up in victory. Let us not slumber or sleep but keep watch, pray, and very soon our Saviour whom we have waited for will come to take us home,” Dr. Braithwaite admonished members.

Guest speaker at London Ghana SDA Church, Dr. Kwesi Gyimah, born in Ghana and currently ministering in Toronto, Canada, last set foot on these shores some 25 years ago. His messages appealed to both young and old as he reminded members of their “true identity being found in Christ,” and of the calling each of us have been given in sharing the gospel good news of Jesus’ soon return with all those we come into contact with. The Camp Meeting concluded with a concert featuring various artists, including the London Asian Church, giving praise to God for the freedom found in a relationship with Christ our Lord.

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