Apr 17, 2019, 1:34 PMDarell J Philip (Pictures - Theo Guthrie)

Review of Poetry Evening: 'Transcendence'

Friends, family and members of the public were treated to an evening of inspirational spoken word poetry and performance in Shoreditch on Thursday 11 April 2019. In association with Final Call Productions (a Christian theatre company that seeks to inspire, engage, encourage and inform its audiences through drama, theatre, film and poetry) – the poetic theme – Transcendence – brought together various Christian poets and spoken word artists, who each gave their own interpretation of the theme through their poetry. The subject matter covered ranged from peer pressure, death, abuse and marriage. Among those in the packed audience were playwright and director of the highly acclaimed stage play, End the Silence, Mark Grey and presenter of SEC Media's A Life Less Ordinary and Redhill International Seventh-day Adventist Pastor, Matthew Herel.

Final Call Productions Director, Jermaine Wong, was also one of the featured artists on the night. His poem – Public Announcement – addresses the great controversy with a particular focus on the means and ways the enemy of our soul attacks our minds in an attempt to destabilise our spiritual walk with Christ. Such lines as –

I hold the title for the godfather of lies and I never hide my trophies

Deception he's my brethren and he's got truth in a throat squeeze

Stifling him of his oxygen righteousness could never approach me

– highlight the impact of the enemy in lives not fully yielded or dependent upon the power to be found in a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Final Call Productions Director of Operations, Danielle Wong, was pleased with the response to the evening and announced that there would be more such evenings in the following months.

For more information on Final Call Productions please visit: www.finalcallproductions.com.

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