Prayer & Praise, Wednesday - Camp Meeting 2019
camp meeting 2019 prayer and praise 1

Jun 19, 2019, 7:44 AM

Prayer & Praise, Wednesday - Camp Meeting 2019

When Pharaoh eventually released Israel after the 10 devastating Plagues on Egypt, God did not lead them through the shortest route, through the land of the Philistines, but through a long, winding road (Ex 13:18) to camp by “Pi-hahiroth between Migdol and the Red Sea (Ex 14:1-2). Thus, they were trapped between the Red Sea ahead, and mountains on their left and right sides with the Egyptian Soldiers pursuing them from behind. It was in such a hopeless situation that the LORD told Moses to command the Israelites to “Keep Walking” (Ex 14:15).

Sometimes, God’s ways are long, winding and senseless, but we must trust God enough to “Keep Walking,” follow His leadings and ability to deliver in such dire situations, because He is trustworthy and never fails!

The message followed the Prayer and Testimonies Sessions which focused on Children. As Bathsheba pleaded with David to instate Solomon as King according to David’s own promise, so we too should plead with God to reinstate our wayward children according to His promises. Two people confirmed this truth in their testimonies.

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