Praise Him in Your Season
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Jun 27, 2023, 4:36 PMDarell J. Philip

Praise Him in Your Season

A Day of Praise and Testimonies at Hackney SDA Church

“We pray that you have been blessed today and whatever season you find yourself in, cling to Jesus as He is the one that will help see you through. In all things Praise the Lord,” encouraged Patsy Reid, Hackney Praise Leader during Hackney’s Praise Day held on Sabbath 24th June 2023 to a full capacity congregation. Among the special guests in attendance on the day were, Pastor Dwayne Jones, a mighty Prayer Warrior from Jamaica, Lydia Joseph, Church Treasurer at the Philadelphia SDA Church in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands and local Gospel Choir Maestro and recording artist, Clive Brown amongst others.

The Sabbath school was a real treat for all in attendance with a well broken down lesson study presented by First Elder John Mathieu followed by a Praise break led by children from Hackney’s Junior Sabbath School who sung the well know favourite hymn, This Little Light of Mine. Chris Brooks, gospel musical director and recording producer then welcomed all who had come in anticipation of the blessings to come throughout the day. “Even when the seasons of life come our way, we can smile because we know how the story ends,” he said.

The Divine Service was a spectacle of praise and testimonies with Hackney’s Praise Team led by Myrtle O’Keefe and Lloyd Reid with others encouraging an atmosphere of worship and praise with a selection of spirit-filled hymns and choruses including Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, How Excellent, These Are the Days of Elijah and the Donald Lawrence and Co gospel classic, Seasons. Hackney’s children under the narration of Terval John and Azariah Thomas, then acted out the biblical stories of Joseph, Job and David as a demonstration in how each character praised God during various seasons in their lives. During the Tower of Prayer section of the service, individuals testified of ways in which God worked during different seasons in their lives. Hackney Elder, John Locker spoke of the comfort given Him during his time of bereavement while Lydia Joseph publically thanked the church for their generous donation towards the rebuilding of the Philadelphia SDA Church in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands which was devastated by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in 2017. Eileen Philip shared an emotional account of her restoration from an 8-year battle with depression and mental ill health while her son, Darell Philip testified of the joy of being reunited with a previous student of his who had managed to turn his life around after having been permanently excluded from school.

Azariah Thomas and Neriah Adewuyi read passages of scripture from Psalms 134 and Psalms 150:6 respectively before power packed preaching and singing courtesy of Hackney’s Pastor, Vaugn Thorpe (Nightshift Praise) alongside the SEC Church Buildings and Property Development Director, Pastor Steve McKenzie (Praise Ye The Lord) got members of the congregation up on their feet in praise of God. The Seasons of Praise Podcast hosted by Lloyd Reid and David Mathieu during the afternoon session featured further testimonies, praises and prayers where members and visitors learned through shared life experiences how to praise God through all seasons of their lives.

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