Our Ebenezer: Lewisham is Dedicated to God
Our Ebenezer Lewisham is Dedicated to God President cuts Ribbon

Dec 14, 2023, 3:15 PMShirley Williams

Our Ebenezer: Lewisham is Dedicated to God

Lewisham SDA church marked the dedication of its church building during a week of worshipful celebration. It began with a community event designed by our Health Ministries Leader Dr Joan Roseman-Channer, with an emphasis on the wellbeing of our neighbourhood.

Visitors and friends were cordially welcomed by Brenda Dacres, the Deputy Mayor of Lewisham, who spent the day with us, enjoying the stimulating and informative programme of Health presentations. Well attended by local-residents and church members alike, life-saving counsel was given by Abigail Dantzie, who spoke powerfully on overcoming addiction, sharing her valuable biblical knowledge on how to transform your life and gain the victory by trusting in the GOD who saves.

Ms Patricia Ellis gave an excellent presentation on women’s health. Lewisham ladies left the session well equipped to deal with challenging life cycle changes. Health checks were available all day from our dedicated team of doctors and nurses. Olecia Addo, a physiotherapist helped a visitor with a shoulder injury to get pain relief. Healing was happening in the House of the Lord. Advice and counselling for young people on mental health and sexual health was also provided, thanks to the kind support of Dr Catherine Mbema, Director of Public Health at Lewisham Council. Children of all ages enjoyed the bouncy castle, face painting and the many fun and educational activities on offer.

On Wednesday evening at the Alter of Praise, a special midweek Prayer service, the President of the BUC Pastor Eglan Brooks gave a divinely inspired sermon. Thoughtfully illustrating the theme ‘Our Ebenezer’. The President congratulated Lewisham Adventists for the impact we have had in the Borough and acknowledged the leading and sustaining power of GOD in our evangelistic ministry. The message was accentuated by the Ebenezer choirs’ heavenly voices.

On Sabbath November 4th Commemoration and Dedication Service, the 23rd Drum Corps led the processional slow march into the sanctuary, a fanfare fit for the King of Kings. Packed to the rafters, the church enjoyed a beautiful spirit filled divine service. Current Pastor Kwarteng Kwadwo Ampofo welcomed one and all.

It was fitting that the dedicatory prayer was performed by Pastor Ellis Guthrie who had masterfully overseen the spiritual and physical construction of this church and congregation. Pastor Guthrie prayerfully dedicated the building to the honour and glory of the Lord and asked that God would accept this offering from our grateful hearts, giving thanks for the revelation of GOD’s love and mercy through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Sister Thompson and First-elder Tony Drummond gave a potted history of the church and began by reading a handwritten letter by Alma Jackson, the first person to be baptised in the original church building in October 1934.

There was a more sobering message of significant importance within our history. As a white woman I listened with great sadness at a disturbing and disheartening occurrence. Indigenous Britons collectively left the church because the ethnic demography was changing, leaving only 3 white English members. As a Christian I despise racism and know that the resident congregation’s departure was deeply hurtful for the new arrivals from the Caribbean, who wanted to peacefully settle into their new sanctuary. There is no place for racism in our Adventist movement, we cannot call ourselves Christians and harbour any form of prejudice. White members must acknowledge past wrongs, God is love, and equality and inclusion reflect his character, heaven will not be segregated.

It was wonderful to learn that because of the strength and conviction of Lewisham members other forms of systemic racism within the British SDA organisation had been challenged. The establishment in the early 1970’s of the London Layman’s Forum headed by a Jamaican, brother Lloyd Reynolds made 3 demands of the Conference, which resulted in much needed positive change. These were:

Open Newbold College to black students. Pastors must reflect the local congregation. Open an SDA school in London.

Black Pastors became leaders in our church movement and in 1979 Lewisham had its first black minister David H Hughes. Diverse leadership in the SEC and BUC would not have been possible without the sacrifices of Elder Reynolds and Forum that challenged institutional injustice. God blessed this struggle for equality and 7 churches sprung from the Lewisham church; Peckham, Plumstead, Deptford (now Greenwich), Mottingham, New Eltham, Sydenham and Downham.

Pastor Greg Wilson followed and spoke of the privilege to be part of the pantheon of pastors and preachers, past and present, and those yet to come. Pastor Greg declared that the wonderful celebration was not only the dedication of the building but of each person that worships in Lewisham. Reading Isaiah 56:6-8 Ps Greg laid the foundation for the energetic sermon delivered by SEC President Dr Kirk Thomas.

The President’s focus, Lewisham established as a house of prayer for all nations, a bright and shining light in our community. He proclaimed that ‘this house’ will be a place for refugees, outcasts, the weary and wounded, for immigrants and the homeless, for rich and poor, young and old. This house shall be a house of kindness and sustenance, a house of love and forgiveness. Dr Thomas then performed the ribbon cutting ceremony saying simply, “God Bless this church”. Lewisham mass choir sang ‘Great is the Lord’ to seal the commemoration and the church was dedicated to God.

The commemoration was topped off by a gala concert. MC’s Michelle Gordon and Stephen Corion superbly compared the evening, introducing a host of soulful choirs and solo renditions. The praise team’s joyful sound and Genesis and Roshaun Grannel’s duet deserve special mention.

The architects of the church dedication programme were Elder Kirk McMorris, First Elder Tony Drummond and a team of devoted church members including Marcelle Moncrieff. Special thanks given to Hewitt Grant Head of the Building Committee and Team who prepared the church for its dedication. It was truly a High Day in Zion.

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