Obituary - Barbara Lawrence – 1962 - 2022
Barbara Lawrence

Nov 18, 2022, 8:27 AMCatherine Anthony Boldeau

Obituary - Barbara Lawrence – 1962 - 2022

It is with deep sadness that we announce the sudden and unexpected passing of Barbara Lawrence on Sunday, 13 November 2022. Barbara was the wife of Dr Augustus Lawrence, South England Conference (SEC) Family Ministries Director and mother to Nathanael.

Barbara was a 'mover and a shaker' both in her personal, professional and ministry life. She was a superb organiser, a diligent and committed worker, and her 'can do' attitude was evident in all her undertakings.

Children and Families

Barbara co-led Mums in Action, a voluntary organisation that supported those in need in her community. She ran several projects through this initiative, including several summer schools with over 100 children, a yearly Picnic in the Park at Stanborough Park, with thousands in attendance and worship-based projects for children and young people.

Her passion for children developing their talents was aptly demonstrated when she co-created KidzPraise, which ran for nearly ten years in venues as big as the Watford Colosseum and the Rock Tower (Islington).

Barbara was also a registered foster carer. Over the years, she opened her home and heart to care for scores of children from various backgrounds. A savvy businesswoman, she devoted much of her professional life to working with children and families as a Family Group Conference Co-ordinator and Mediator.

Her desire to see children thrive also extended to their families, especially those of faith. The Mothers' Prayer Conference then added to that The Fathers' Prayer Conference, a yearly event that assisted families with prayer support for their children.


Women's equality and issues that concerned mature women were prominent in Barbara's mind. Women Unwrapped, a Facebook TV show and Ladies Lounge, a radio show for women broadcast on Adventist Radio London, were dear to her heart. Maybe because not only was she delivering quality content to her audiences but because she was working with her co-hosts, who were like sisters to her.

Hope Charity

Her talents for business and her love of people came together in Hope Charity. The charity was best known for the 'pink shop on St Albans Road' that sold re-loved clothes and quality used furniture and provided training and support for some of Watford's most vulnerable people.

The pandemic transformed the workings of many of these initiatives, including the 'pink shop' closure. But despite the upheaval of Covid-19, Ladies Lounge and the Hope Charity continued.

In December 2020, after the last KidzPraise held in the Holloway Adventist church, Barbara contracted Covid-19 and was hospitalised in ICU. God spared her life, but her recovery took longer than anticipated. However, she returned to work, organised the SEC's Health Extravaganza held earlier this year and organised a beautiful Thanksgiving Service at the end of October to celebrate her 60th birthday.

Barbara was a committed wife, a devoted mother, and a loyal friend. She loved life, but she loved her God more than anyone else. Barbara believed that "I know Him [and I am personally acquainted with Him] whom I have believed [with absolute trust and confidence in Him and the truth of His deity], and I am persuaded [beyond any doubt] that He is able to guard that which I have entrusted to Him until that day [when I stand before Him]." 1 Timothy 1:12 (AMP)

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