May 16, 2019, 2:48 PMSteven Hulbert

LIVE in a Field 2019, Chapel Porth, Cornwal

This year LIVE in a Field was so many things, which is understandable for an event where so many things take place over a bank holiday weekend. The main speaker was Steve Logan a scientist who drove down to Cornwall with his daughter Jen from Scotland in order to share his thoughts and experiences in the quest that is life. Steve shared insights from his experience of walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain and invited everyone at the start of camp to view the weekend as a start of a quest. "It's your Camino" were the words Steve said to express the part we would all be playing in the journey. There were so many positive reactions to what Steve shared over the weekend, much of which can be viewed on the LIVE St Austell Facebook page. The morning devotional speaker was retired minister Pastor Chris Peake who previously pastored down in Cornwall. He and his wife Frida were very pleased to come down and spend the weekend with everyone. Chris gave us food for thought each morning dealing with topics of joy, unity, and freedom; drawing from the Gospel of John.

Creativity is a large part of the weekend in many forms with activities run by Sue and Julia Hall. The creative prayer section had a prayer tree to hang prayers on, and other varieties of prayer such as 'prayer webs', a cross to pin prayers on, a cross to place emoji stickers on, a prayer box for more personal prayers, and a couple of couches to pray together.

On the Sunday there was a creative workshop run by Jennie and Sue as campers sat on the benches outside to paint glass bottles, tiles, or cloth and where the beautiful sunshine was enjoyed. Lily-Jo also did a workshop around the theme of 'purpose' in which she led the campers through a workbook she had created to help in having a clearer understanding of our calling in life.

Camp traditions were still in place such as the Sabbath afternoon walk around the high cliffs of Chapel Porth enjoying the views and seeing the remains of the tin mining industry against the backdrop of the blue Atlantic Ocean. Another tradition is the late-night bonfire of which the camp was blessed to have two nights in a row. Another camp tradition is having Earl and Jackie Ramharacksingh making all the wonderful food that is enjoyed every year, this year was no exception.

As in previous years there are normally two nights of concerts, however this year LIVE in a Field went for three. Friday night kicked off with Daniel Costin an amazing saxophonist who roped in the praise team on a couple of his songs. It was a wonderful way to start everything off. The Saturday night saw the artists Dance Like Kings, Our Atlantic Roots, Vadé, and Volney Morgan & New Ye. The Sunday night saw the artists Lily-Jo, Jaz Ellington, Brother Sea, and Triple O. These were unbelievably great nights of music in a variety of styles with a variety of stories, expressing faith in a variety of ways. These concerts are opened to the public and many come from the towns and villages nearby as well as some of the churches. On the Saturday night we had over 150 people in the marquee as all the chairs were taken with standing room only.

During the Sunday evening worship Amy Ainsworth stepped up to speak instead of Steve Logan as she shared her story of finding her purpose in life having struggled with epilepsy since she was a little girl. She changed her question to God from "why me?" to one that reflects a deeper understanding "why not me?" Amy shared how she is now finding ways to raise awareness on disabilities on various different platforms.

The camp weekend is very special and every year it is different and exciting. An experience not to be missed. Steve Logan asked a number of us at the camp how do we measure the success of such an event? On the bank holiday Monday morning Steve answered the question himself by saying that one measurement could be that on Friday evening people were barely engaging with the prayer stations whereas on the Monday morning it took a while to get people back to their seats from the prayer station area.

God was truly present in so many different ways over that weekend. Speaking through the talks, the worship, prayer times, the conversations, workshops and through the peace that is found in the nature that surrounds us.

A big thank you to everyone who gave their time to LIVE in a Field, God brought us all together and we left on the Monday tired but refreshed.

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