“Let My People Go!” Prayer & Praise - Camp Meeting 2019
camp meeting 2019 prayer and praise 2

Jun 19, 2019, 7:32 AM

“Let My People Go!” Prayer & Praise - Camp Meeting 2019

“Let My People Go!” reiterated Pr Juan Carlos Patrick, the Prayer & Praise Speaker.

As Pr Patrick, SEC Teen’s Director, reviewed his presentations 2 years ago, he said both Joseph and the Pharaoh who made him a Prime Minister, were Semites, so in response to God’s demand, Pharaoh, a true Egyptian said, “I do not know the LORD, nor will I let Israel go.” Hence, the 10 Plagues on Egypt were to show Who God is and to expose the deceitfulness of the gods, and had three main lessons:

a) Sooner or later, our gods will let us down, so we shouldn’t hold on to any other gods beside Jehovah God.

b) Pharaoh was arrogant and the 10 Plagues were meant to subdue him but didn’t. Sadly, some people today are so stubborn nothing can change them.

c) Pharaoh didn’t know how to let go, even though the Plagues were hurting him, his family and nation. There’re still people who’ll never let go of past offences, wrongs, etc., even though it’s killing them. So “Let go and let God.”

This year’s Camp Meeting and Prayer and Praise Time Theme is “Retention”.

Hence, the Prayer and Testimonies Sessions were all geared towards “Retention.”

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