Hackney Stewardship Investment
joan reid

Jan 24, 2019, 11:51 AMDarell J Philip

Hackney Stewardship Investment

Church departmental leaders meet investment challenge

During the penultimate quarter of last year (2018), Hackney Church departmental leaders were set a stewardship investment challenge by Social Club leader, Joan Reid. Each department were given £10 and as in the parable of the talents, were tasked with increasing their investment, with the proceeds gained returning into each department’s own budget. Departments were expected to come up with creative and innovative fundraising endeavours to ensure an increase on the £10 given to them. Of the 20 departments in Hackney, it was 8 which took up the challenge and yielded an increase in profit.

At the end of the year, Social Club leader, Joan Reid, commended the efforts of the departments who made an investment on the monies given to them. Congratulations went to the Adult and Junior Sabbath Schools, Deaconry, Community Ministries, Men’s and Women’s Ministries, Pathfinders and Social Club, who between them were able to raise in an excess of over £1600. Special commendations were given to the Community Service department who raised over £600 and the Men’s Ministries department who, after putting on a memorable movie night for members, friends and family, raised over £300.

“I would like to thank and congratulate each participating department for not only using their talents but for also using the little they had to yield much,” said Joan Reid.

With 2019 having got into full swing, why not set your own stewardship investment challenge in your church and see what mighty things can be done as you put the little you have into the Master’s hands.

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