Hackney SDA Church Celebrates the Ordination of Elder Christopher Brooks
Ordination of Christopher Brooks E Flyer

Apr 25, 2024, 10:42 PMDarell J. Philip

Hackney SDA Church Celebrates the Ordination of Elder Christopher Brooks

The 20th of April, 2024, marked a momentous occasion for the Hackney Seventh-day Adventist Church community. It was the day when Christopher Brooks, a beloved member of our community, was ordained as an Elder in the church, a role that holds great significance for us all.

Earlier that day, Brooks, in his sermon, The Lost Father, encouraged the youth to find their true identity in God, who provides security, belonging, and love in perfection beyond that which can be found in many homes. "It was not until I read in God's word of my true value, worth and purpose through Christ that I realised that my long search for love and identity was to be ultimately found in Him," said Brooks.

The ordination service, which took place that evening and was conducted by London Area 6C Coordinator Pastor Harrison Mburani alongside Hackney's Pastor Vaughn Thorpe, saw the church community celebrate along with the family and friends of Brooks's special occasion. Many of the young people in attendance had been touched by the ministry Brooks, who has a passion not only for music but more so for the Word of God and the powerful, life-transforming impact it can have in the lives of young people, amongst others.

Hackney First Elder John Mathieu, a mentor to Brooks, spoke of his joy at witnessing his ordination and his humility, determination, and positive influence on the young people, many of whom had returned to the church and church present on the day. Hackney Pastor Vaughn Thorpe told Brooks, "An Elder is not called to do but to be." At the same time, Pastor Harrison Mburani recognized that just as young Joshua took over from Moses, leading a younger generation of believers, Brooks had been called to do the same and would do so successfully while keeping his eyes fixed on Jesus. On behalf of First Elder Tristan Cuniah, Wood Green Elder Philip Grant presented a gift and card from the membership along with some admonition related to God's particular call to Brooks to serve as a fellow Elder.

Carole Mathieu, wife of Hackney First Elder John Mathieu, alongside Elder Herminia Mathieu and Wood Green Member Daszine Prince, encouraged Jana, wife of Chris Brooks and originally a member of the Wood Green SDA Community Church, as she, too, embarks on this new journey in supporting the call God has made on both their lives in servant leadership of the Hackney SDA Church Community.

The celebration of this special occasion was not limited to our church alone. Several other churches, including our Sister Church - Wood Green, former Sister Church, Walthamstow, and Mother church, Stoke Newington, joined us in giving thanks to God. The ordained Elders from these churches also laid hands on Brooks, symbolising their support and recognition of his new role.

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