Hackney Reaches the Community
hackney reaches the community 1

Jan 24, 2019, 12:20 PMDarell J Philip

Hackney Reaches the Community

Church brings Christmas cheer, food and warmth to the homeless

Hackney’s Community Ministries Department ended the year of 2018 by bringing a little Christmas cheer to those in the community and beyond. A special Christmas dinner was taken to the homeless and those in need. Over 120 individuals benefited from the hot meals, drinks, blankets, quilts and coats on offer. Also given were soft drinks, bottles of water alongside a gift bag containing toiletries. And if all that wasn’t enough, it was topped by a mouth-watering bread pudding along with traditional mince pies with custard for dessert.

“At this time of year, Christmas can be a joyful occasion for many, while for others it can be a sad and lonely time,” said Vilma Williams, Hackney’s Community Ministries' leader. She added: The community are important to us and we have been commissioned in Matthew 28 to go to all people. So we see it as our duty to go out and help others less fortunate than ourselves, spreading some Christmas cheer along with the good news of salvation that Jesus loves and died for us all.”

All the gifts given along with hats, gloves, scarfs and socks, were all well received and it is hoped that this spirit of giving will long continue throughout the New Year of 2019.

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