Hackney Food Bank end of year service to the community
Hackney SDA Food Bank End of Year Service

Jan 4, 2024, 10:56 AMDarell J. Philip PR & Communications Assistant

Hackney Food Bank end of year service to the community

Facilitators of the Hackney Adventist Food Bank put on a special end of year service which met the needs of various members of the local community specially invited to attend. Held on Sunday 17th December 2023 at the Hackney Seventh-day Adventist church, approximately 30 community members were treated to an assortment of healthy warm meals, beverages and dessert and were gifted with presents which put smiles on faces during festive season.

Muhammad, originally from Syria, expressed his delight at receiving an invitation to the special end of year community service. “I am happy to be here. The food is very nice and professionally made and the women who run the food bank have big hearts and help all people. I am new to England, so this day has made me feel very welcome to the country.”

Hackney resident, Lorna said: “It was a time for me to get dressed up in my best clothes and socialize with friendly people in a good atmosphere. The food was really good and I’m glad that I accepted the invitation as I wasn’t disappointed.”

Another Hackney resident, Nigel, who frequents the Food bank during the week said: “I’m so humbled. Everyone has been so kind and in this day and age you need such compassion. It’s really wonderful to be here with everyone and I sincerely mean that. The workers are true brothers and sisters for all the hard work they have done for us today and throughout the year. God bless them always.”

Calvin, a younger member of the community said, “the food was really nice, everyone is really helpful and kind. I’ve had a bit of a laugh with some of the people here and its reassuring to know that there is a food bank here that I can come to when needed and that there are people who care about us the community.”

Beverley Daley, the leader of the Hackney Food Bank, was thankful to God for how the day turned out. “I give God thanks for all the community members who turned up today and for all our volunteers who served the community. It was a truly blessed occasion where everyone worked together to ensure that our community were served and to know how much we really do care for and value them as people.”

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