From Maidstone SDA Church to Stewardship Director – Pastor Alex Mareniuc’s Farewell Service
Pastor Alex maidstone church farewell 3

Jun 27, 2024, 10:15 AMCarolyn Singaravelan & Careen Lawrence

From Maidstone SDA Church to Stewardship Director – Pastor Alex Mareniuc’s Farewell Service

Hebrews 13:17 (NKJV) 'Obey those who rule over you, and be submissive, for they watch out for your souls, as those who must give account. Let them do so with joy and not with grief, for that would be unprofitable for you.'

It is obvious what the effects of having a faithful and dedicated pastor can do for a church - the abundant fruits one in that position can bring forth for the Kingdom of God. Pastor Alex Mareniuc has answered the call to serve at Maidstone Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) church, Chatham SDA church and Riverway SDA church, touching the lives of many and even guiding Maidstone church to make the needed transition from a church plant to a fully-fledged, established church. Whether it be during COVID or the times now, it is evident Pastor Alex has always been hard at work to spread the Gospel of Christ.

On 22nd June 2024, Maidstone SDA church celebrated Pastor Alex and his efforts towards growing the churches under his care and to thank him for making a difference and touching the lives of many - be it through baptisms, thought-provoking sermons or general compassion for all members. Tributes and appreciation towards Pastor Alex were shown for his above-the-call-of-duty efforts, commitment and leadership. No matter the size of the task, with the help of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Alex has continually been a blessing to all those around him. There is no doubt, he will continue to flourish in his new God-given role.

Elder Apollo Kabuye, who served as First Elder during Pastor Alex’s time, reminded all that Pastor Alex joined Maidstone in the midst of the Covid-19 Pandemic, supporting the Zoom services that were held. He also added that the support from Pastor Alex continued when churches were able to reopen, he strived to ensure that Maidstone SDA were able to worship in a better venue, also supportive in manual labour, painting the venue alongside members of the church.

Sis Ann-Marie Jones, Women’s Ministry Leader, described Pastor Alex’s leadership as being a “beacon of inspiration and strength” and has guided the church through “joyous and challenging times” during his tenure. Sis Ann-Marie further expressed that the support from Pastor Alex for the Women’s ministry has been impactful and he has championed their initiative, provided guidance and he has encouraged them to grow not only in their faith, but service likewise.

Sis Michelle Henry-Hillman, Health Ministry Leader, in her tribute to Pastor Alex, described him as being under control during the meeting about the plans for the church’s inauguration. She further expressed the shock it was when the announcement was made that he would be leaving as she knows how much he has done for Maidstone SDA and knows how much more he would have done for the church, particularly within the health ministry.

Pastor Alex has also had a positive impact on the youth at Maidstone SDA, who were represented by Sis Chipo Mashiri. The youth have shared that Pastor Alex has taken a personal interest in them as well as their lives outside church. They have described Pastor Alex as funny and knowledgeable, expressing that they were able to see that being a pastor was not a day job for him, but he truly cared for those he was called to lead. It was encouraging to hear the ways in which Pastor Alex has supported the youth, guiding them through Zoom Bible studies, and opening up Maidstone to host events which allowed them to invite their friends along to church. Pastor Alex will undoubtedly be missed, not only from the adults, but from the youth and the children likewise. A scripture left with Pastor Alex from Sis Chipo was 1 Timothy 5:17 (NIV): “The elders who direct the affairs of the church well are worthy of double honour, especially those whose work is preaching and teaching.”

Pastor Royston, completed the evening with a charge for Pastor Alex, sharing with members some of Pastor Alex’s journey, from working alongside him in Croydon SDA, coming to Maidstone DA to serve, not only the one, but in three churches, now moving into his Stewardship Director role for the SEC.

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