East London School of Music featured in BBC Songs of Praise
East London School of Music to feature in BBC Songs of Praise

Sep 27, 2023, 1:49 PMDarell J. Philip, Area 6C Communications Coordinator

East London School of Music featured in BBC Songs of Praise

Musicians from the East London School of Music (ELSOM) – a charity and SDA Centre of Influence in Area 6C which provides affordable music lessons for local children, were featured in an episode of BBC Songs of Praise. The BBC crew were inspired by the documentary – Organ StopsSaving The King of Instruments which was aired on 24th December 2022 and includes the Nelson organ rescued and installed at the Clapton Seventh-day Adventist Church in, Hackney, East London.

“I was surprised but absolutely thrilled and excited to have the BBC Songs of Praise producers contact me to visit our school,” said Fiona Pacquette, ELSOM Managing Director. She continued: “They contacted our organ builder, Martin Renshaw to ask if they could do a feature on pipe organs including his work as a professional organ builder and include his charity called Pipe Up 4 Organs, which is in the business of saving organs due for destruction.”

In the episode which took place on Sunday 24th September 2023 on BBC One, BBC Songs of Praise presenter, Pam Rhodes, interviewed Pacquette, Renshaw and a couple of students with footage of Martin working and the ELSOM students performing also included. Currently 11 students are learning to play the pipe organ, an impressive figure to many in the organ world. When BBC Songs of Praise presenter, Pam Rhodes, asked Pacquette why she thought so many young people expressed an interest in playing the organ she pointed out a variety of reasons. “It’s a different instrument with lots of pipes which they’re fascinated by,” beamed Pacquette. “When I told them about Martin’s project in rescuing our pipe organ from destruction and they saw it in bits before what it’s become now, I think that was a complete game changer for them.”

Kena, one of the eleven young pipe organists explained to Rhodes why the organ held his interest. “When I first saw the organ I was really intrigued. The sound it generated was really cool, it’s loud as well and doesn’t require electricity. It’s a very original and organic instrument,” he said.

Another young person, Yeron, told Rhodes that it was the uniqueness of the pipe organ which made a positive impact on him. “It’s something that not many people know of. It’s very unique but I’m also interested in it because the sound it makes brings peace,” he said.

The East London School of Music which is run by members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church community at the Clapton SDA Church in Hackney, East London, provides a chance for young people who would not otherwise have access to music tuition to take up lessons at an affordable cost. “It could take them to various different avenues such as becoming composers, teachers or performers in their own right. It’s a big deal,” proclaimed Pacquette, who then added: “There’s a hymn called Ancient Words which talks about changing lives through the Gospel which is what we are doing here through our school of music.”

You can watch the episode of BBC Songs of Praise here

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