Feb 28, 2019, 3:42 PMDoreen I Fray, Secretary to ELSOM

Deputy Speaker of Hackney Council and the ELSOM Connection

Sunday 10 February 2019 was a special 4th anniversary classical concert celebratory event of the East London School of Music (ELSOM).

It was another landmark in ELSOM's journey, as this date was its inaugural concert whereby the second and larger segment in the programme was given by the students of this prestigious School of Music. The students were able to showcase musical talents and skills, with polished professionalism, perfected under the tutelage of dedicated music tutors.

Dressed in formal concert attire, the students, confidently performed pieces from the classical 18th, 19th and 20th genre of music. To a packed audience of parents, friends of ELSOM, well-wishers, current and prospective students and staff members, the atmosphere was electrifying as budding pianists, violinists, flautists, guitarists, saxophonists, and pipe organists delivered polished renditions.

ELSOM is based in the Clapton Seventh-day Adventist community church under the auspices of Area 6C. It is a centre of influence in this part of east London and has attracted Adventist and non-Adventist students from the local area and beyond. Pastor Nerine Barrett, Clapton's pastor, is also the Chair for the East London School of Music.

The Deputy Speaker of Hackney Council, Councillor Kam Adams, was the special guest of honour for this community event. In his address, to an exceptionally large audience, he applauded the establishment of ELSOM as an asset in the borough for the musical development of young talent. Councillor Adams commended the vision which ELSOM's positive and creative influence is having and will have on the youth as well as the adults who will enter its walls.

Following the Councillor's address, opening renditions from the renowned Hampstead Adventist Choral Society Strings and Woodwind Ensemble were played. The pieces were the 'Trumpet Suite' in D HWV 341 by G F Handel and Rondeau (from Abdelazar Suite) by H Purcell.

The segment in the programme for Special Performances was a violin rendition by Gabriella Pedditzi of the Violin Sonata in D Minor 'La Folia' Op 5 No 12 by A Corelli. At the end of the rendition, it was announced that Ms Pedditzi will shortly be performing at the Purcell Room at London's famous South Bank Concert Centre, Sunday 17 March 2019.

The Master of Ceremonies, Paul Lee, ably and admirably steered the concert through its five defined segments, namely, Opening Performances, Students' Performances, Organ Selections, Special Performances, Performances by ELSOM Teachers and finally, Presentation Certificates Ceremony.

Under the innovative, inspired and dedicated guidance of Fiona D Pacquette who serves as ELSOM's manager, music theory, piano practical and pipe organ tutor and a pool of enthusiastic music teachers, the student population has grown from ten at its genesis in 2015 to currently over seventy students enrolled on its register.

The 2018 graded examination successes in the Trinity Guildhall Music College have further added much credence and value to the Music School. ELSOM's teaching and learning environment foster a passion for excellence, dedication to the instruments being taught and learnt. There is with much enjoyment in mastering the art and skill, time and patience in attaining and aspiring to musical goals.

Students chose a main instrument then a second or third instrument is elected from a range of: piano, violin, flute, classical guitar, saxophone and the latest instrument now being offered is the pipe organ. Voice and singing lessons are also part of the curriculum and this is an equally popular subject under the tutelage of the renowned bass-baritone, Chikezie Chike-Michael.

Music Theory is a compulsory component in the curriculum at ELSOM and termly musicianship and master classes are held which augment the learning experience at ELSOM. The Nelson Pipe Organ 1905-2018: A journey from Catchgate in County Durham, a coal mining village six miles from Durham to the Clapton Adventist church in east London, the Nelson pipe organ is now established and is resounding in its new home at ELSOM.

In December 2017 when the Catchgate Methodist church was closed, the opportunity arose to continue the Nelson pipe organ's long history in the setting of ELSOM.

Under the expertise, experienced and specialist ears and eyes of Martin Renshaw, when in May 2018, the pipe organ was dismantled and transported in three stages from Catchgate, then painstakingly and lovingly cleaned from layers of coal dust, the organ was rebuilt and restored to become the latest shining brilliance of an instrument which is now being taught at ELSOM.

On interviewing Martin Renshaw on the restoration of the Nelson pipe organ, he was elated that children and young people, a new 21st generation, were going to experience the intellectual, mental and physical complexities of playing the pipe organ.

The celebratory concert ended with a Presentation Ceremony of Certificates to the 2018 cohorts of students by Mfakazi, Co-ordinator for Area 6C, Fiona D Pacquette and Paul Lee.

Find out more at www.elsomonline.org.uk.

Donations for the upkeep of ELSOM will be graciously received and acknowledged. Link: https://www.elsomonline.org.uk/donate

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