Aug 1, 2018, 10:12 AMChiswick Health Expo

Chiswick Health Expo

In temperatures rivalling the Caribbean, Sunday 22ndJuly saw a pocketful of its diaspora lead Chiswick's inaugural Health Expo. Bernie Collins, the Health Ministry's Co-ordinator with the support of the Family Life Department had spent five months planning and promoting the event. The result was 200 attendees flocked to Chiswick Back Common Park from 10am to 4 pm.

Keen to tally all attendees, visitors filled out their registration details before proceeding to the Health Check booths. Booths included: Blood pressure checks, Cholesterol checks, blood glucose levels, BMI, height and weight checks. Each stall was monitored by Church members within the Health Care profession who were equipped to use medical equipment and provide advice.

The Mayor of Hounslow, Madam Mayor Samia Chaudhary delivered an opening speech congratulating the Church on its efforts to foster community spirit and engage the public with positive health awareness. Pastor Picart, Chiswick SDA Church's lead Pastor followed with an introductory speech also commending the work of the Health Ministry's team.

Progressing from the formalities Madam Mayor steadily progressed to the Health Booth where she partook in a series of check- ups. Simultaneously, members of the public explored the open stalls including children's face painting, Balloon crafts, diabetes talks, fresh fruit stall, as well as the prayer booth. Gloria Simon and Millie Williams took the lead on providing health advice. When asked about their findings they concurred that two people were recorded as having extremely high blood pressure and that the BMI reading was quite high for the large part of the community indicating a burgeoning weight problem in the area.

On call to respond to any pertinent health problems was Jason Hamilton, Fitness Trainer and Chiswick member. He arranged circuit training within the park encouraging people to partake for 30 minutes in rigorous exercise.

Councillor Patrick Barr stated "This is an excellent initiative. I want to support the community and be available in whatever way I can assist, well done!"

From the variety of diverse, new faces both young and old it's evident that many saw the event as time- worthy. If attendees didn't leave humming songs the Chiswick Gospel Choir had performed, then they left more informed on how to look after their bodies more effectively.

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