Brighten The Corner Where You Are - The Gift Of A Church Building - (Part 1)

Jul 18, 2024, 9:13 AMPastor Japheth O-Amankwah & Dr Delbert Baker

Brighten The Corner Where You Are - The Gift Of A Church Building - (Part 1)

There are significant moments in our lives that we forever cherish and desire never to forget. Such was the experience of members of the Twifo Adugyaa Seventh-day Adventist Church, the entire village situated in the central region of Ghana, and a group of 23 people from the UK (mostly members of Hope Community Church, Beckenham), the USA, and other countries who made this life-changing trip to Ghana.

A dream that had been cherished for over 20 years was fulfilled on 18 May 2024, when the Adugyaa congregation received the gift of a newly built church, which was dedicated to the Lord’s glory.

This remarkable demonstration of liberality and sacrifice was made possible through the collaboration of two families from the Beckenham Hope Community Church. A native of Twifo Adugyaa, Elder Edward Yeboah, and his family have been supporting the hometown church’s building project for over a decade, and then the unexpected happened: the COVID-19 pandemic and the loss of Elder Yeboah’s mother. Some members of Hope Community showed their love by accompanying the Yeboahs to Ghana for the late mum’s funeral. It was at this event that the plight of the Adugyaa Seventh-day Adventist Church was shared with these friends from the UK. The Spirit of the Lord impressed upon the hearts of the Gray family (Hugh and Rachel), who pledged to work with the Yeboahs to help complete the church construction.

Almost three years from that eventful trip, a beautiful edifice, fully furnished with chairs and fans, stands majestically in the community, changing its landscape. This building is the Twifo Adugyaa Seventh-day Adventist Church, affirming the Lord’s word in Zechariah 4:10, which encourages us not to despise small beginnings that lead to great things.

The church complex consists of a main hall that can seat about 300 people, a children/youth church, a vestry, and toilet facilities.

The church dedication was performed by the Southern Ghana Union President, Dr T. T. Ocran, and was assisted by the Mid-South Ghana Conference President, Dr Amoah-Saah, and the chief of Twifo Adugyaa, Nana Baagyan.

Hugh (Dave) and Rachel Gray expressed appreciation to the Yeboah family for the opportunity to partner with them in the Lord’s work. He thanked the leadership of the church for their faithfulness to the project and also encouraged members to use the church to the glory of God and to foster unity.

The ceremony was graced with the presence of Dr Delbert Baker (former President of Oakwood University, USA, and Adventist University of Africa, Kenya, and former GC Vice-President) and his wife, Dr Susan Baker. Preaching the sermon, Dr Delbert Baker reminded everyone that what was being witnessed was made possible because of God’s providence, plan, and purpose. It is therefore imperative for us as Christians that we should always seek to walk in line with God’s will.

Pastor Wilfred Blake (Beckenham Hope Community Church Pastor), who also joined the trip to Ghana, remarked, “This is exemplary and a powerful witness.”

Community Impact
To make the church relevant to the community and the neighbouring towns, the leadership of the church have offered the youth hall to the health authorities of the municipality to use for their clinical sessions. This is a huge benefit to the community, who have been looking for a health post to use. A centre of influence that the church never thought they could have has been made possible in God’s own time.

The trip also offered some members on the tour the chance to reconnect with their African heritage by visiting historic sites like the Cape Coast Castle and the Kwame Nkrumah Memorial Park in Ghana. These are memories they will forever cherish.

The chief of the village, Nana Baagyan, thanked the two families for their generosity and for the honour brought to his village.

The joy of the entire church membership is beyond description, and they could not hold back their appreciation to God in singing and dancing. One remarked, “Today is a clear manifestation that miracles still happen. Our God works miracles.” Another excitedly said, “I am amazed how God can touch the hearts of people who give their money to build a church from foundation to completion and furnish it. It is beyond my comprehension. I am full of amazement.”

Members of the travelling group reflected on how the mission has been a blessing to each one of them, highlighting that their greatest takeaway was the blessing of being motivated to make a difference in the lives of people.

Such acts of generosity are encouraging and commendable when faithful stewards of God’s resources use them for the furtherance of the gospel.

To the Yeboahs and Grays in the worldwide church, may the Lord continue to bless you with means to continue to support His work. Soon, the commendation from the Lord will be heard: ‘Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.’ (Matthew 25:21).

By Pastor Japheth O-Amankwah & Dr Delbert Baker

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