Bedford Central Sidewalk Evangelism

Jul 11, 2024, 12:16 PMTremon M. Jackson

Bedford Central Sidewalk Evangelism

On Sabbath 06 July Bedford Central Church went out into the streets of Bedford Town to conduct Sidewalk Evangelism. The team (comprising of about 15 people) prepared for the event by purchasing specially made T-shirts, with the word “Chosen” along with the church’s name and contact details written on them. The team also prepared bags with books and invitations to Discover Bible Study to give to those we met.

The team met and engaged with community members in order to make lasting contacts. One of the things we did not want to do was to give books and invitations at random. We wanted to ensure that those we meet, we were able to make connections with. The team invited those we met to Bible Studies, we converse with them about their life and took their contact details.

The Sidewalk Evangelism is having huge impact on the lives of the people we meet in the streets. One example, we met a young man who is a British-born African. After meeting him and speaking to him for five minutes it was clear that he was going through a very traumatic experience. Myself and two other members of the team spoke to him for nearly an hour and eventually prayed for him promised him to support him spiritually, however he also needed counselling support which we were able to point him to. He left with books and our contact.

The Sidewalk initiative is also having a massive impact on the church members themselves, who are now going beyond the church walls and meeting the community. We continue to go out on the first Sabbath of every month.

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