area 6a united by prayer evangelism2

Jan 14, 2022, 10:00 AMMaxine Donovan, Area 6A Prayer Ministry CoordinatorLondon


Report from Area 6A on Week of Prayer followed by a Week of Evangelism event in November 2021

The Churches in Area 6A held two weeks of spirit-filled programmes from Sabbath, 6 - 20 November 2021; a Week of Prayer followed by a Week of Evangelism. Both programmes were blessed with powerful prayers, music that lifted our thoughts heavenward and soul-searching presentations. During the Week of Prayer, presentations were done by lay persons but during the Week of Evangelism our main speaker was Pastor Levi Johnson, President of Central Jamaica Conference (CJC) who on the first Sabbath received a very warm welcome and introduction from Pastor Dr Emmanuel Osei, the South England Conference President. Area 6A Pastors made it their duty to introduce Pastor Levi Johnson each day, except on the final Sabbath when it was done by Pastor Dr Kirk Thomas, Director of Publishing & Personal Ministries at the BUC. The grand finale to the Week of Evangelism was the baptisms of three precious souls on Sabbath, 20 November in the pool at Holloway Church and also in the beautiful and calming waters of the Caribbean Sea by the Portmore Church in CJC. Indeed, it was a Sabbath in November that we will always remember.

It all started with earnest prayers. On a Sunday morning in September, Pastor Dr Jude Jeanville (Area 6A Coordinator), Sis Linda Nyamhunga (SEC Prayer Coordinator) and Sis Maxine Donovan met, prayed and discussed the upcoming Week of Prayer in November and how this could be used to bring the Churches in Area 6A together. The Lord heard our prayers and answered them in spectacular ways. As the Churches gave of their best, God’s name was glorified and honoured. Those who tuned in on Zoom, YouTube, FaceBook and via the telephone were inspired, as the numbers viewing grew steadily. Some Churches such as Edmonton, Holloway, Kings Cross, New Life, Tottenham and Wood Green streamed the service live on a Sabbath.

The commitment to the two programmes by the Area 6A Pastors and members, was second to none. Special mention has to be made of the late Sis Kathi Hyatt of Edmonton Church. She became sick and from her hospital bed sent the list of participants from her Church and the contact details of the person to complete the task. Her sense of loyalty to the cause of God has made a lasting impression on all of us.

The Week of Prayer with its theme, ‘If My People...PRAY...I Will Hear,’ started on Sabbath, 6 November with a powerful and inspiring sermon by Elder Janette Joseph from Tottenham. The Churches were responsible for conducting the Week of Prayer: Sunday - Holloway, Monday - Hampstead, Tuesday - New Life & Kings Cross, Wednesday - Tottenham & London Bulgarian, Thursday - Wood Green & Barnet and on Friday - Grace Community & The Lighthouse.

Area 6A Churches demonstrated by example, that we are all one in Christ Jesus. When London Bulgarian & Tottenham conducted the Wednesday evening programme, we heard the Scripture and two well known hymns: ‘What a Friend We Have in Jesus’ and ‘I Will Sing of My Redeemer’ in Bulgarian and in English. There was an interpreter on the Zoom platform ready to translate the presentation from English to Bulgarian for those who needed this service. The Week of Prayer ended on Friday, 12 November on a very high note with an engaging and passionate presentation from Elder Carlton Fuller. We were all very excited about the week ahead.

On Sabbath, 13 November 2021 the Week of Evangelism started, with its theme, ‘Revive us...To Go’. It did not disappoint. On the first Sabbath, Grace Community Praise Team did the Song Service and Opening Song. It was just awesome. Before they had finished singing, a message was sent by one of the Area 6A Pastors which stated, ‘This is a tremendous start Sis Donovan.’ The music from the first Sabbath to the last Sabbath was just simply divine. Pastor Johnson kept on commenting on the quality of the musical items. He said that it was the Holy Spirit that had inspired the choosing of the theme song, ‘Hark! The Voice of Jesus Calling,’ which was sung beautifully each evening by Sis Janine Thorpe. Other singers and praise teams included Sis Louanne Sampson, Sis Eve Anderson, Sis Joese Aberdeen, Sis Sharlene Smith-Green, ELSOM, Holloway & New Life Praise Teams and Bro Kelly Hunter who also sang the Appeal Song. Testimonies from Yovka Zhekova from London Bulgarian & Artemisa Dos Santos from the Central London Portuguese Churches opened our eyes to the success they were having using the Internet to engage and win souls for the Kingdom of God.

Each day from Sunday, 14 November to Sabbath, 20 November there were 10-minute presentations on various topics by: Sis Sharon Platt-McDonald, BUC Director of Health; Sis Suzanne ‘Kirly Sue’ Kirlew, Celebrity Chef & Author; Sis Suzette Rodgers, Education Specialist; Dr Seth Asare, Naturopath; Dr Nancy Nsiah, Clinical Psychologist and Dr Audrey Meguille Soyam, Entrepreneurship & Management Specialist. The SEC Prayer Team led by Sis Linda Nyamhunga Asare was in charge of the Prayer Power session on the Wednesday evening.

The man of the hour, appointed and anointed by God to be our main speaker, Pastor Levi Johnson delivered his presentation daily with clarity, power and enthusiasm. He covered topics such as: Sin, Grace, the Gospel, Salvation & the Church. His message had such an impact, that one person travelled all the way from Gloucestershire to be baptised. Area 6A and Central Jamaica Conference (CJC) have now formed a friendship based on their shared mission of spreading the gospel to the world. As Pastor Levi Johnson stated, “The work will not be finished in London & the UK and it’s not finished in Jamaica. That’s why we have to work together.”

CJC Technical Team and Tottenham’s Communications Director Sis Vicky Soyam & her team worked assiduously to ensure that the programme delivered was of an exceptionally high standard. They were joined on the final Sabbath to broadcast the two baptismal services by Holloway’s Technical Team spearheaded by Bro Duane Davidson and the Portmore Church Technical Team. Special thanks to Pastor Kwesi Moore, the deacons and deaconesses of Holloway for facilitating Area 6A baptismal service.

Sadly, on earth all good things must come to an end. Many were very disappointed as we closed the programme on the final Sabbath and they asked the question, ‘What are we going to do now in the evenings?’ As Seventh-day Adventist we believe that the best is yet to come. In the meantime, while we patiently wait for the Lord’s return let us occupy until He comes. We have been revived. It is now time to GO.

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