Another Busy Month Ahead for ADRA-UK

Oct 1, 2020, 1:47 PMCatherine Anthony Boldeau, Development Education Officer

Another Busy Month Ahead for ADRA-UK

The month of October will be a busy month for the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA-UK) as we continue with our 2020 Virtual Gift Box Appeal, launch our Tuesday Night Live monthly webinars and we celebrate Activate October

The month of October will be a busy month for the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA-UK) as we continue with our 2020 Virtual Gift Box Appeal, launch our Tuesday Night Live monthly webinars and we celebrate Activate October, where we commemorate 10 special awareness days, through our I AM Urban initiative.

2020 Virtual Gift Box Appeal

Our 2020 Virtual Gift Box Appeal is well underway and continues until the end of November. This year, for the first time since we started our Gift Box Appeal, the 'boxes' will benefit disadvantaged children right here in the UK affected by the pandemic through the urban community hubs that we support.

For more information on how to participate in our 2020 Virtual Gift Box Appeal, please go to

Tuesday Night Live

The first of our Tuesday Night Live webinars will be broadcast on Tuesday 6 October. Topics for this session include ADRA's response to the Beirut explosion, news about the work we are doing in our overseas projects and a case study of the work that we are supporting through UK community urban hubs. Please join us at 19:00 at

Activate October

During the month of October, we are encouraging everyone to become more active around social justice issues. We want to stoke the embers of justice and so we have produced a series of special podcasts.

The Activate Month podcasts highlights social justice issues in bitesize form and calls us all to activate our desire for justice. Listen to those podcasts at

"Right now, here at ADRA-UK, we are exceptionally busy," said Bert Smit, CEO. "There is much going on with managing eight major overseas projects, including working in challenging areas such as South Sudan and Yemen and in working with urban community hubs in the UK. All this against the background of a pandemic that affects all of the work that we do." We encourage you to engage with us in our endeavours to promote justice, love and compassion.

For further information on our worldwide work, please go to

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