A  Week of Remembrance at Tottenham Lighthouse
A Week of Remembrance at Tottenham Lighthouse Ps Jude Bro Noel and his two sons Noel Jr and Nashon in the pool

Nov 22, 2023, 4:59 PMMaxine Donovan, Communications & Prayer Ministries

A Week of Remembrance at Tottenham Lighthouse

The week beginning 12 November to 18 November could be called 'Remembrance Week' by the members of Tottenham Lighthouse. On Sunday, the 12th, we participated in Haringey's Remembrance Sunday Service at the War Memorial by the park in front of our church. On Sabbath, 18 November, we had a 'Season of Remembrance' during the service. We called out the names of our loved ones and members who were no longer with us. Then, we had our 'Remembrance Sabbath' service. Unlike Remembrance Sunday, which the British Government instituted, this service was divinely ordained by Jesus Christ, who said, '... Do this in Remembrance of Me.' (Luke 22:19). We had our final Communion Service for 2023.

Pastor Dr Jude Jeanville welcomed our visitors, including two Muslim friends and our youth, whom we had not seen for some time. A special welcome was extended to Bro Lennox Mayer and Bro Noel Allen; both baptised at the Wood Green Church on 21 October by Pastor Jude Jeanville. They were partaking in their first Communion Service after baptism.

While Pastor Jeanville was visiting the US, he was contacted by Bro Lennox's sister, who lives in NY. She told him that she had a brother in London and had been studying with him for years. When Pastor Jeanville returned from his trip, he visited Bro Lennox Mayer, who readily accepted the invitation to be baptised. At his baptism, Bro Lennox, who is 88, was dancing in the pool with his arms waving in agreement with the song's words, 'No turning back, no turning back.' On Sabbath, Pastor Jeanville invited Bro Lennox to the front and presented him with two large-print Lesson Study Guides, one for the last quarter of 2023 and the other for the first quarter of 2024. His Certificate of Baptism was given to him later.

Although a member of the Edmonton Church, Bro Noel Allen is a faithful member of Tottenham Lighthouse's 5 am Prayer Group, referred to as '5 am' and a regular visitor to the programmes we hold at our church. A year ago, Bro Noel suffered three strokes that left him without speech and mobility. He is so committed to '5 am' that he joined the prayer meeting even from his hospital bed. God has worked miraculously in Bro Noel's life. He has now regained his speech and mobility to the amazement of his doctors, family and friends. It was with great joy that we watched Bro Noel re-commit his life to God, and greater joy was experienced watching his two sons – Noel Jr and Nashon- join him in the watery grave of baptism. Noel Jr stated that he wanted to be baptised before attending university. It was indeed a rejoicing day on earth and in heaven.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Pastor Jeanville spoke about the many symbols in the Bible that pointed to Jesus. He wanted us to remember Jesus’ final words on the cross, "It is finished," a translation of the Greek word 'Tetelestai' which means 'Paid in Full.' He also wanted us to remember the word 'Substitution'. The wages of sin is eternal death, but Jesus Christ gave His life as a ransom so that we can have access to eternal life.

We had further evidence of the Holy Spirit’s leading. Pastor Jeanville asked Bro Erol Innerarity, a visitor, to sing a song to close the service. Brother Erol explained that he had prepared the song two weeks ago, but due to Week of Prayer, he could not sing at his church. He decided to visit Tottenham Lighthouse and was asked to sing. He was unaware that it was Communion Service or the focus of Pastor Jeanville’s sermon. The song the Lord had placed on his heart two weeks prior was, 'It's Finished'. Brother Erol asked Pastor Jeanville to join him in singing the song.

As we reflect on God's amazing love and the sacrifice that was made to secure our salvation, we should be overwhelmed with joy and gratitude. We can now confidently shout, 'Tetelestai, my ransom has been paid in full!’ ‘For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so we could be made right with God through Christ.’ (2 Corinthians 5:21 NLT)

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