Tuesday's Adult Commitment Service - Camp Meeting 2019
camp meeting 2019 commitment service 5

Jun 18, 2019, 3:46 PMJames Shepley

Tuesday's Adult Commitment Service - Camp Meeting 2019

This Tuesday evening, Dr David McKenzie preached his socks off! His title was ‘Hold on! God remembers!’. His subject was God’s answer to Hannah’s prayer for a child in 1 Samuel 1. Hannah was an unfulfilled woman. She was also a woman of faith. ‘Don’t let what you are going through hinder your praise!’ Pastor McKenzie exhorted his audience, ‘When you have trials and tribulations, that doesn’t mean that God isn’t blessing you…. He is taking you to another level.’

Tormented by Elkanah’s other wife for being barren, Hannah reached the place when she could take it no longer. She ran to the tabernacle and started to cry out to the living God.

Hannah knew that there is power in prayer. ‘Prayer is humanity laying hold on divinity... When humanity and divinity combine, great things happen’.

Hannah got real with God, and then she left her burdens at the altar. ‘Hold on to Jesus!’, counselled Pastor McKenzie, ‘You can’t tell him how to deliver or when to deliver. He knows when to move!’ And the Bible tells us, nine months later the Lord remembered Hannah. Peppering his sermon with stories, personal testimonies, and memorable runs (‘Jesus is the alphabet’/ ‘God remembers’!) Pastor McKenzie’s sheer energy, vitality and fancy footwork had the audience wondering how he could keep it up. Praise the Lord!