Tottenham Lighthouse: Sharing the Love Outreach Centre
Sharing the Love Outreach Centre Neculai Ioan visiting TLChurch

Oct 18, 2023, 5:05 PMMaxine Donovan, Tottenham Lighthouse Church Communications & Prayer Ministries

Tottenham Lighthouse: Sharing the Love Outreach Centre

Inspired and empowered by the Holy Spirit, Tottenham Lighthouse seeks to meet the needs of its community. We help our community through our twice weekly Food Hub, our quarterly community event ‘Sharing the Love’ which provides professional and other services, and our sacrificial gifts (including cash) to those in need locally and overseas.

In addition, Tottenham Lighthouse Church launched on the 2 March 2023, ‘Sharing the Love Outreach Centre’ at the former Lighthouse Church building. A week before its opening we became aware that the building might not be available after six weeks. Undeterred we proceeded with our plans, being confident that it was the Lord who had called us to be ’light’ and ‘salt’ in this section of His vineyard. Seven months on we are still there.

Sharing the Love Outreach Centre is held every Thursday from 12:30 – 4:00pm (and sometimes much later). We cater to the needs of the homeless, elderly and mothers with children by providing them with soup, sandwiches, other refreshments, fruits, bread and pastries provided by Sis Maureen Pollock courtesy of Sainsbury’s, fresh vegetables from Elder Sandra Martelly’s allotment, clothing, massages by Sis Alice John (during the first three months), social activities such as board games, dominoes, Christian literature, and spiritual discussions and prayer led by Sis Marie Green-Dolan.

It is with awe that we watch God at work. There are many stories to tell, but I will share two. One Thursday Neculai, who is homeless, asked for a warm coat and a size 11 pair of shoes. I mentioned it to our 5am Prayer Team on the Friday and on Sabbath someone brought a size 12 trainers to Church for him. A request was made at church during the Announcements. In less than an hour after the appeal was made, a couple watching the service online drove to church and dropped off a nearly new jacket and a pair of size 11 shoes. When Neculai received his gifts, he was overjoyed. The size 11 trainers were too small for his feet, but we had the size 12 shoes to give to him. The size 11 shoes were the right fit for a friend that came with him that day. On Sabbath Neculai visited our Tottenham Lighthouse Church wearing his coat and shoes, and accompanied by his friend Ioan.

Ioan is also homeless but lives in a hostel. He first came with Neculai and they were both greeted warmly by one of our volunteers Marian, a Roman Catholic. Ioan wanted some pots and pans and she brought a few for him the next week. They needed toiletries, and Marian went to ‘Savers’ and shopped for them. When Neculai got his shoes it was not the right fit as it gave him blisters. When Marian saw the blister, she used the money given to her as a birthday gift and bought two brand new pairs of Adidas sneakers; one for Neculai and the other for Ioan.

One Thursday we were told that Ioan was outside lying on the pavement. He was drunk. He had received his medical test results that day, and was diagnosed with a serious illness. Despite the state that he was in, he received a big hug and a reminder that he was special to God. We helped him sort out his online hospital appointments, which he was unable to access. He continued coming to the Centre and showed interest in our Bible discussions. We watched him change. One Thursday he walked through the doors telling everyone who would listen, ’I have not had a drink in nine days!’ We were ecstatic. About two weeks later, he informed us that he had a job offer but he had to do some online training first. Unfortunately, he had lost his phone. Again an appeal was made at Church on the Sabbath, and the following day we were given a phone for him. When he received his gift he was overjoyed and just kept looking at it. Since then he has asked for an electric table-top hotplate to cook his meals. Rather than giving him a second-hand one, a brand new hotplate was purchased for him. It made him feel extra special and loved. The following week he was even more receptive to God’s Word and was given a Bible and prayed for. We thank God for the transformation He has made in Ioan’s life and the lives of others who visit ‘Sharing the Love Outreach Centre.’ We also thank Him for the team of dedicated volunteers.

At Tottenham Lighthouse Church we are propelled by the love of Jesus and His sacrifice for us. If for any reason our Church should no longer exist, we are confident that we would be missed by the community. We are a lighthouse, shining our light for all to see and to be guided to our loving Saviour. As we occupy until the Master returns, we do so with joy as we wait to hear from His lips, ‘...Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.’ (Matt. 25:40 KJV)