Tottenham Lighthouse: Sharing the Love of Jesus with the Grieving
Tottenham Lighthouse Sharing the Love of Jesus with the Grieving Pastor Jude Trevor Cheryl 1 topaz denoise faceai sharpen

Sep 27, 2023, 1:05 PMMaxine Donovan, Tottenham Lighthouse Church Communications & Prayer MinistriesLondon

Tottenham Lighthouse: Sharing the Love of Jesus with the Grieving

Tottenham Lighthouse: Sharing the Love of Jesus with the Grieving

The wise man Solomon wrote, ‘To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: A time to be born and a time to die...’ (Ecclesiastes 3:1-2 NKJV). Death seems so final to those who do not have a relationship with God and are unaware of His many wonderful promises of eternal life. However, out of the tragedy of death, the occasion can be used to introduce grieving relatives and friends to the hope we have in Jesus Christ.

Pastor Dr Jude Jeanville when conducting a funeral service, extends a special invitation to the relatives and friends of the deceased to attend the Tottenham Lighthouse Church on a specific Sabbath in the future. The invitation is usually accepted. On Sabbath, 12 August we had worshipping with us the Greenaway’s and Semper’s families. They came to our church as a result of an invitation by Pastor Jeanville made at the funeral service of David Greenaway, held at the Holloway Church. The invitations were also extended to two minsters present - Reverend Rupert Meeks and Reverend Roger Wade. Both were unable to attend, but they promised to come one Sabbath.

The bereaved families and their friends were given a special welcome by Pastor Jeanville and the church family. Sis Cheryl & Bro Orden Simmons, Leaders of the Family Life Dept. had gifts to present to the families and friends in attendance. Trevor Semper was presented with a plaque by Sis Cheryl Simmons. He is the son of the deceased and a former West Indian cricketer. His mother is Sis Diana Buffong, who attends our church. Written on the plaque were the words, 'Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.' Family members and visitors were presented with specially designed book markers. Written on each book marker was the Bible text, 'Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil. Cling to what is good.' (Romans 12.9 NIV)

Trevor Semper in response to the warm welcome he received said, 'Thank you Pastor Jeanville for everything you have done. You have been tremendous at the funeral and here today...' After receiving the plaque from Sis Cheryl Simmons, Trevor again thanked the church for being thoughtful and said he was very grateful for the plaque. Later in the service our hearts were blessed by his daughter Bevincia Semper, who gave a beautiful rendition of the song 'Hills & Valleys' by Tauren Wells.

The occasion was also used by the Family Life Department, to acknowledge and support two of our members, Sis Dian Chambers and Sis Jacqui Harris who were both grieving the loss of their mothers. Sis Chambers had recently returned from the funeral service of her mother in Jamaica and Sis Harris was flying out to Jamaica to bury her mother. Tears flowed as they were presented with beautiful orchids along with words of encouragement and prayer.

Seated at the back of the church that Sabbath were two of our young people whom we had not seen for a long time - Miranda who now lives outside of London and is happily married with two beautiful children and Roxanne. We were overjoyed to see them. Sis Maureen Pollock, Personal Ministries Leader and Sis Valerie Strachan, Asst. Conference Treasurer could not allow the moment to go by unnoticed and took a ‘selfie’ with them.

In this post-modern and secular society, God's children have to think 'outside the box' and become more and more creative when witnessing to members of their communities. Reaching out to the grieving in their hour of need is one of the many methods Tottenham Lighthouse Church has employed to present the good news of Jesus Christ, as we pursue our goal of 'Making Disciples and Building Communities.'