Tottenham Lighthouse: SEC Leaders Participate in Family Life Week
Tottenham Lighthouse SEC Leaders Participate in Family Life WeekSis Munangati praying

Mar 7, 2024, 9:46 AMMaxine Donovan, Tottenham Lighthouse Church Communications & Prayer Ministries

Tottenham Lighthouse: SEC Leaders Participate in Family Life Week

From Sabbath, 10 February to Sabbath, 17 February 2024, Tottenham Lighthouse Church joined with many other Seventh-day Adventist Churches across the globe celebrating ‘Family Life Week.’ We were blessed to have Elder Jacqueline Otokpa, SEC Women’s Ministries Director and Elder Devon Boyd, SEC Men’s Ministries Coordinator as our Divine hour speakers on the first and the second Sabbath, respectively. They received a warm Tottenham Lighthouse welcome and given gifts of appreciation at the end of their presentations.

On Sabbath, 10 February before Elder Otokpa delivered her sermon, she shared with the congregation special words of inspiration that she wrote specifically for Tottenham Lighthouse. She said, ‘We are immensely proud of the great work that you do at Tottenham Lighthouse. The various programmes, initiatives and projects that have been successfully implemented by you throughout the years... Your contribution has served as a beacon of hope and love in this community...’

Elder Otokpa informed us that today was the first day of a project that God had rested on her heart, “Hidden in Plain Sight”. It is a pilot programme that will help parents, especially mothers, to identify ‘red flags’ displayed by their vulnerable teenagers who may be prone to gang involvement or criminal activities, and offer support and intervention. She promised to return when the weather was good to do a 7-day Community Programme. She mentioned that she had support from the BUC, and Pastors were excited about this community initiative.She shared an emotional story about Emma and the changes that she went through. Yet it all went unnoticed by her parents, until one fateful day when Emma tried to take her own life. She stated that the enemy had placed an attack on our families, especially on our children. Elder Otokpa stressed that the well-being of society, the success of the church, and the prosperity of the nation depended upon home influences.

The final Sabbath of Family Life Week was also very inspiring. The testimony session over-ran the time allotted, yet no one complained. Andrea, a first-time guest, who was accompanied by her husband and daughter, shared a very moving testimony. She later stated that she and her family had visited two other Churches, but now felt that she had found the place where she would like to worship with her family. She has since made enquiries about Pathfinders Club for her daughter, and has been back to Tottenham Lighthouse with her family.

Elder Boyd when he got up to speak mentioned that after hearing the testimonies he was impressed to change his message. The sermon he had planned was entitled, ‘Be careful what you are going to say,’ but the Holy Spirit moved him to change it to, ‘God is able.’ The scripture reading he chose was Ephesians 3:20, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” (NKJV) He placed special emphasis on the first word ‘now’. We were all invited to go to Jesus without delay - now. We should make a 180 degree turn now and give our problems to Jesus, for He is able.

Both SEC Leaders were accompanied by members of their family and friends. Elder Otokpa was accompanied by her husband and her son, who drove them to Church. She jokingly commented on the role reversal, remembering the days when she drove her son to Church, but now he was driving them to Church.

Elder Devon Boyd was accompanied by his wife Sis Michelle Boyd and their young son. Sis Michelle Boyd sang the Song of Meditation, ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness’ which had her husband visibly moved. Elder Boyd later commented that every time ‘Mich’ sang that song it did something to his heart.

The two speakers emphasised the importance of prayer in the home to have a successful family life. On both Sabbaths, at the end of the sermon the congregation was invited to the front for prayer.

Sis S Munangati, the Praying Evangelist of the SEC Women’s Ministries Dept said a powerful prayer at the end of Elder Otokpa's presentation. Our First Elder Roger Charles was called upon by Elder Boyd to say a special closing prayer.

Elder Charles used the opportunity to invite Ordonae Simmons to the platform to say a special prayer for her, as she was travelling the following week on a school field trip to Tanzania.

A Special ‘Thank You’ to Bro Ordon & Sis Cheryl Simmons, the Family Life Leaders and their team for planning, with the help of the Holy Spirit, such a wonderful programme for the Church. May the messages and the testimonies shared, resonate in our hearts and draw us closer to the greatest and most important family in the universe: The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.