Jan 25, 2024, 11:06 AMMaxine Donovan, Tottenham Lighthouse Church Communications & Prayer Ministries

Tottenham Lighthouse: A Week of Celebration and Sadness

It was a week which will long be remembered by the members of Tottenham Lighthouse Church. Three funerals, 10 Days of Prayer, Sabbath Celebration and the birth of a baby, had us all on an emotional roller coaster.

Friday, 19 January at 2:00pm members of Tottenham Lighthouse Church attended the funeral service of Doris Bowley, a member of the community. Her daughter, Sharon, had requested that her family, Tottenham Lighthouse Church, attends her mother’s funeral. Our presence was appreciated and we were treated with much warmth. Although it was a sad occasion, we felt joyful that Sharon a non-member, whom we came to know through the Food Hub, considered our Church as her family and wanted us to be there at her time of grief.

Celebration started with the onset of the Sabbath, as Area 6A participated in the 10 Days of Prayer on Friday, 19 January at 7:00pm. Youth and adults from Tottenham Lighthouse participated in the programme alongside 11 other Churches in Area 6A. God was lifted up and glorified.

On Sabbath, 20 January the United Children & Youth (UCY) held their grand finale of the 10 Days of Prayer at Tottenham Lighthouse Church. Children and their parents flocked to the Church to be part of this wonderful programme. We were blessed by the performances of all who took part including the UCY Choir, Fitz Vernon Jr, Simeon, T Joseph Jr, Abi, Serena, Jonelle, Kiara, Brandi, Zipporah, Tanice, Ordon-Che, Kyra Pond and others. Kyra Pond, who is only eight years old, shared her testimony. She and her sister received two pumpkins at Halloween. Instead of doing what was expected, with the help of her mom she carved, ‘Jesus is King’ on one of the pumpkins and ‘Love’ on the other. A lighted candle was placed inside for all to see. Fitz Vernon Jr, a 13 year old from Tottenham Lighthouse, delivered a stirring message on the theme, ‘The Power of Faith’. Present to support the children were Craige Young, Founder and Director of UCY and his team, and the Tottenham Lighthouse Pastor Dr Jude Jeanville.

Sunday, 21 January was the Memorial Service for the late Paul Pollock, who died on the 18 December 2023. The Church was full to overflowing, with standing room only. In theory, this should have been a sad occasion, but it was a celebration of his life. Paul leaves behind his wife, Maureen Pollock, his companion for 57 years, three children – David, Jonathan and Dr Sarah Pollock, grandchildren, great grandchildren and a host of other relatives and friends. Maureen Pollock is the Personal Ministries Leader at Tottenham Church and although grieving, she attended the funeral service of Doris Bowley on Friday afternoon. She did not miss the opportunity to be about her Father’s business, as she handed out Focus Magazines to all those who came within her radar.

On Tuesday, 23 January our emotions were again jolted into overdrive. The members of Tottenham Lighthouse’s 5am Prayer Team rejoiced with Elder Orville & Bernadette Fuller, as their daughter Jennifer Gabbidon and husband Germaine Gabbidon welcomed into their arms a bouncing baby girl, Ria Jasmin Gabbidon. This baby was long awaited for, and the 5am Prayer Team had said many prayers for conception, development of the baby in the womb and for a safe delivery. What a precious gift God has bestowed upon this family!

Wednesday, 24 January saw us back at Tottenham Lighthouse for the funeral Service of Derek Joseph Bramble, the brother of Cyril Bramble one of our deacons. A tribute was given by his sister, Althea and the Eulogy was read by his niece, Sabrina. Pastor Dr Jude Jeanville conducted the service. The Personal Ministries Department used the opportunity to distribute books and other literature to visitors.

As God’s people, we know we are living in the end times. Let us not sorrow as others who have no hope. Instead, believe in Jesus’ promise that He has gone to prepare a place for us and will return for us that we will be with Him forever. Be comforted by these words!