Jun 7, 2019, 2:25 PMAlbert Gardiner

The What and Why…Bristol District Teens' Day 2019

Around 120 young people from Bristol and beyond were challenged to understand what they believe and why, to enable them to live purposeful lives according to God's plan. Organised by the Bristol District Advent Youth Ministry team, the Teens' Day of Fellowship aimed to encourage young people not to be shy about their faith but to ask God to enable them to grow in wisdom. South England Conference (SEC) Teens and Chaplaincy director, Pastor Juan Patrick challenged young people that in order to know what they believe and why, they need to get to God's Word.

Programme coordinators Albert Gardiner, Amanda Watson and Tinashe Kitsawa were pleased with the day and were encouraged as young people left with the knowledge that it is their faith that will enable them to want to live wisely. One young person said, "I want to do what He (God) says is wise and be solely dependent upon His faithful grace when I fail."