Simple Ways to Prioritise Our Faith This Year
10 Days of Prayer with Hackney SDA Church

Jan 24, 2024, 3:09 PMZinze’ Bishop, Hackney Seventh-day Adventist Church CommunicationsLondon

Simple Ways to Prioritise Our Faith This Year

10 Days of Prayer with Hackney Church

It was a high day of rejoicing at my local church in Haggerston, as Hackney SDA celebrated Day 4 of the 10 Days of Prayer program on January 13.

All over the Globe, hundreds of thousands of Seventh Day Adventists took part in the World church's ten days of prayer program (10–20 January 2024). This year’s theme ‘Priorities of Faith’ looked at how God desires for us to put Him first, and what strategies can help us to draw closer to Him in this fast paced world.

Sabbath 13 January saw the church full to the brim with regular members as well as visitors from around the UK and abroad. Speaker of the hour, Elder Jacqueline Otokpa, is the SEC Women’s Ministries Director and former Elder of Hackney SDA Church.

She addressed the enthusiastic congregation with a beautiful sharing of the week so far with the emphasis on a ‘focused life of simplicity’. Our hearts were lifted in song and praise as we were told of Jesus' love for us and our communities.

For the past two years I have been a prayer leader with the 24/7 United Global prayer group. Having experienced a new fondness of waking up early (sometimes 4.30am) to lift my voice in prayer and thanksgiving I shared Elder Jaqueline's sentiment that praising God with others, is the greatest antidote to fight our battles in these last days.

Jesus tells us in His word, that when we confess our sins and when we pray for each other there is healing (James 5:17).

During the ten days of prayer, our church met both in person and on zoom to pray, read devotions, and reflect on how God is working in and through us. I particularly was drawn to Day 3 which spoke of waiting on the Lord and learning to be more patient in our expectations of prayers being answered.

After Elder Jacqueline's sermon members and visitors testified about feeling revived and rejuvenated because they had been more intentional in their prayer life that week, with one saying, ‘I experienced a spiritual awakening’.

I’ve been sharing the devotional readings with my mum who believes in God but is not yet baptised. My mum who has an autoimmune illness expressed how much she enjoyed the readings and felt a stillness overcome her which can only come from God, when He says, ‘be still and know that I am God’ (Psalm 46:10).

Elder Jacqueline stated how Jesus has been with her and her family during many challenges including when her first born son had a car accident last year. Thankfully he left the hospital with only a few scratches and was not hurt. Her husband and son were both in attendance and her son gave a heartfelt prayer as he lifted up the youth in supplication.

Hackney SDA church also has a prayer line that runs daily (5.30am, 12,30 and 6.30pm0. It has been a privilege to attend as well as the 247 Boiler room and Nordic Revival SDA prayer group. Having 'prayer spaces' has been helpful for me as a trainee therapist who has suffered with my own anxieties. I found that giving time to pray and connect daily with friends allows us to grow spiritually and encourage others to do the same.

Prioritising our faith really mateers to God and when we pray and meditate on His Word, we begin to make our homes and churches ‘Houses of Prayer Everywhere’ (HOPE). If you missed the ten days of prayer this time, then we encourage you to take part in the 40 days of prayer ‘HOPE’ program from 1st February 2024 in the Boiler room - 24/7 United Prayer - 24-7 United Prayer (

Being part of a praying church means that we can stand in the gap for each other and I am in agreement with God’s promise, which says, ‘now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us’ Ephesians 3:20.

A few tips I’ve learned on how to prioritise spending daily time with Jesus.

Wake up 20 mins earlier than usual so you can read your favourite bible text and pray. Find a prayer partner/group who you can meet regularly to pray. Spend time in nature walking and observing God’s blessings. Journal your thoughts down where possible - young children can try this too. Listen to an inspirational video or Christian podcast.

May God continue to bless us as we prioritise our faith this New Year!