Similar names, Shared faith: Southampton Church celebrate two baptised
Sothampton baptisms may 2024 Candidates Welcomed

May 22, 2024, 5:02 PM

Similar names, Shared faith: Southampton Church celebrate two baptised

On Sabbath 4 May Southampton Church witnessed the baptisms of Christian (Kristi) Lazarev and Michael Lazaro. The teens and youth led out in a beautiful worship service filled with singing and pieces from an instrumental ensemble. Pastor Bozidar used several sporting illustrations to remind the baptismal candidates that Jesus would walk beside them in the race of life no matter what mistakes they make or struggles that face them. He also called attention to the similarity of their family names and the association of their first names with the titles of Jesus. Although not blood relations, they would now be brothers in the faith.

Michael’s brother, who visited from Portugal for the occasion, gave a testimony of Michael’s journey to faith. This journey began when Michael's brother was introduced to the Adventist church by the woman who would become his wife. Although Michael always had a belief in God and had several discussions about, he only started to think more seriously about it after moving to the UK. He took up his brother's suggestion that he listen to the Bible as he was driving. He started with the gospels and after each chapter discussed the findings with his brother. Soon he was exploring the Bible for himself from a physical copy. Gradually, as the Holy Spirit was working on his heart, he was compelled to visit Southampton Church without any prompting from his brother and from then on he enrolled for Bible studies.

Allia, one of our youth shared how Kristi, who moved to Southampton with his parents from Moldova, had become a much-valued member of the youth due to his cheerful disposition and caring nature. Pathfinder Club director, Thembi, related how Kristi made several decisions for baptism while attending Pathfinder camporees, but had to be persuaded to wait till his parents would be able witness the occasion. The day was sealed by a wonderful time of fellowship at our potluck lunch.

We welcome these two young disciples into fellowship and pray that God will use them in mighty ways to share the love of Jesus in their spheres of influence and beyond.