Jan 24, 2019, 4:03 PMJanet Morris

Shut-ins Attend Communion Service

The Communion service held at Tottenham Seventh-day Adventist church on Sabbath 12 January gave those who had not attended church for many years, a chance to worship once again with the church family in the sanctuary.

The senior members who attended are either housed in local authority homes or still reside in their own home but find it difficult to attend church.

On selected Sabbath afternoons, a recent initiative by the Youth leader involved attendees going in groups to visit shut-in members, instead of congregating in church for AYS. Due to such initiatives, the connection with the senior members has been strengthened. The youth have now gotten to know the members much better and as a result positive bonds have been created.

Research has found that when young people spend time with the aged, it is beneficial to both generations. The aged 'come alive' and rejuvenate. The children become more responsible and caring.

Continuing with the efforts of the church to engage with the shut-ins, the deacons and deaconesses arranged for them to attend Communion service. A minibus was hired and ten senior members were collected. This will become a regular feature on special occasions at Tottenham Adventist church.

It was good to worship together once again, as the sacrifice made for all of humanity by our Saviour, was remembered.