SEC Youth Ministries Mission Trip to Cancún
SEC Youth Mission to to Mexico Cancun 1

Jun 15, 2023, 9:40 AMJordan Gilbert

SEC Youth Ministries Mission Trip to Cancún

Through acts of service, cultural immersion, and unwavering faith, SEC Youth spread God's love and left a lasting impact on the local community.

From May 26th to June 2nd, I had the incredible opportunity to embark on a life-changing mission trip to Cancún, Mexico. Alongside over 30 dedicated volunteers, mostly from the SEC and some from the NEC, and under the leadership of Pastor Anthony Fuller, SEC youth director, our goal was to spread the message of faith, hope, and love while providing support, inspiration, and uplifting experiences to the local community. Little did we know that this journey would not only touch the lives of those we encountered but also transform our hearts and souls.

In the months leading up to our trip, we diligently prepared ourselves for the mission that lay ahead. Through numerous virtual meetings and an in-person gathering, we discussed logistics, challenges, and fundraising opportunities. It seemed like an impossible task for some, but we trusted that God had a plan for each one of us. We delved into Bible verses such as Philippians 4:13, which reminds us we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.

Our first stop upon arrival was the local church, La Iglesia Adventista Central 90 Cancún III. On the Sabbath day, we joined the congregation for a worship service filled with the harmonious melodies of Spanish hymnals. The experience was a beautiful reminder that the language of faith transcends cultural barriers. I couldn't help but think of 1 John 4:7, which reminds us of the power of love in connecting us to God and to one another.

Throughout the week, we dedicated ourselves to enhancing the church's interior and exterior. Some of us painted and decorated the sanctuary, creating an uplifting and welcoming space for the congregation.

Others, including Pastor Fuller, had the privilege of delivering a sermon alongside Pastor Kevin, a local pastor, spreading God's word and inspiring the cross-cultural congregation.

On the Sunday, we headed to other churches to work side by side with local pathfinders and adventurers, picking up litter and refreshing the landscape.

During our efforts, we encountered unexpected wildlife, a testament to God's diverse creation. They invited us back for our final day evening to celebrate, play piñata, and indulge in the flavours of local homemade foods and exotic fruits. It was a joy to participate in traditional Mexican culture and fellowship together, a pure reminder of the verse from 1 John 4:7 that calls us to love one another.

Another meaningful aspect of our mission was our visit to Ignacio Comonfort, an Adventist primary school. The moment we stepped into the school, we were surrounded by the energy and love of the children, Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it."

We shared lunches, played sports like football, and engaged in lively conversations, forming bonds that would forever impact our lives. As we interacted with the children, we couldn't help but recall the verse from Jeremiah 29:11, assuring us that God has plans to give us hope and a future.

In addition to spending time with the children, we felt compelled to contribute to the school's environment. With brooms in hand, we dedicated ourselves to refreshing the classrooms. We shined the windows, blossomed the exterior garden, and mopped the indoor floors with care. It was a labour of love, driven by the desire to create a space where the children could thrive academically and spiritually.

One of the most prominent moments at Ignacio Comonfort was when the children initiated a fundraising effort for new furnishings and furniture. They sold sweets and chocolates, showcasing their entrepreneurial spirit and determination to support their education. Their dedication and enthusiasm reminded us of the verse from Philippians 4:13, which assures us that with faith and determination, we can overcome any obstacles.

Amidst our busy schedule, we found moments to reflect and enjoy the tropical beaches of Cancún. We gathered in small groups, sharing experiences, testimonies, and lessons learned. It was in these moments that we felt the presence of God, reminding us of His promise in Matthew 28:20, to be with us always.

Throughout the trip, we immersed ourselves in Mexican culture, supporting local artisans and engaging in meaningful exchanges. Our interactions with the children, who eagerly exchanged small gifts with us, reminded us of the verse from Mark 12:31, calling us to love our neighbours as ourselves.

Our mission to Cancún was a journey of faith, hope, and love. As we returned home, we carried the memories, experiences, and impact of this mission trip in our hearts. We are forever changed, knowing that we had played a small part in spreading God's love and making a difference in the lives of those we met along the way.