SEC Creative Writing for Evangelism - Who are we?  An Introduction
Darell Philip Divinia Reynolds and Brenda Nelson SEC Creative Writing for Evangelism Tutors at Battersea SDA Church 1

Aug 3, 2023, 9:24 AM

SEC Creative Writing for Evangelism - Who are we? An Introduction

It was back in 2014 that Divinia Reynolds, a Bible Worker, teacher and writer, and Dr. Kirk Thomas, SEC Personal Ministries Director at that time, first discussed the idea of a Creative Writing for Evangelism course as one of the classes which should be included at the School of Evangelism. Before the start of the SEC School of Evangelism at the John Loughborough School site the following academic year, Divinia was told that her wish was granted and that she would be the teacher of the class.

Fast forward to 2023 and the Creative Writing Class is still going strong, attracting an international mix of students both in person (pre-covid) and now online. Since the launch of the class in 2015 many have gone on to graduate with some having had their work published in various publications including Focus Magazine, Messenger Journal and Here and Now: Stories of Faith and Mission (2016), a book of inspiring testimonies edited by Dr. Kirk Thomas and Divinia Reynolds. Students have also participated in a roundtable discussion on Adventist Radio London and the outreach event, the ‘Poenar’ – a poetry and seminar ensemble on a current topical issue writers address from an Adventist perspective by presenting pieces to members of the public. Initially this was done in person (pre-covid) and now online through the class YouTube channel:

Today, the SEC School of Evangelism, Mission and Leadership is currently under the direction of SEC Personal Ministries and Sabbath School Director, Pastor Michael Mbui, who took over from Dr. Kirk Thomas who is now the BUC Evangelism, Publishing and Personal Ministries Director. There have been slight changes to the SEC Creative Writing for Evangelism teaching staff too, with Divinia Reynolds having acquired the assistance of Darell Philip and Brenda Nelson (course graduates in 2018 and 2020 respectively) as additional course tutors. Since then, the trio have presented workshops to Manchester Central, Wood Green SDA Church and the Welsh Mission School of Evangelism (Online) and more recently Battersea SDA Church (in-person).

With a vast and broad spectrum of units covered within the course, from Narrative (story writing) to poetry and Journalism to Radio and Digital Ministry, there is something to appeal to the interest of everyone. Guest lecturers on this year’s course have included Stanborough Press Editor, Julian Thompson and former Adventist Radio London Director, Michael Hamilton amongst others. The current cohort of students come from a variety of cultures and backgrounds yet all have one thing in common – a desire to spread the Gospel (good news of salvation through Jesus Christ) creatively through writing.

Born in Sheffield, (a city in the English county of South Yorkshire) Elvina Lee, a former church Communications Leader, recalls her first love affair with writing.

“During my teenage years I always had pen pals and loved to write to them, but what was equally more exciting was receiving the stamped envelope addressed to myself and wondering and reading about their adventures,” says Elvina. She added: “In 1988 when I was sending letters, a first-class stamp cost 19 pence, in comparison to 2023, where they now cost £1.10. My love of words and reading inspired me to study A Level English Language and Literature.”

With an interest in script writing Elvina enrolled on the SEC Creative Writing for Evangelism course to encourage those with serious health challenges that through God anything is possible which she hopes to demonstrate through her writing.

All the way from Ndola, Zambia, Precious Chitwa, a qualified economist, joined the course having contributed to an international book project for Single Adventists Divinia was working on in partnership with SNAGD – the international Singles Adventist Network Group under the direction of Elder Annell Smith and her team of volunteers. “I enrolled on the course so I could learn how to write better since I desire to use my writing for encouragement and sharing the word of God,” said Precious, who added: “I intend to use my writing as a form of evangelism and witness to others through writing devotionals and articles that will encourage and inspire a desire to know God.”

Another contributor to the international book project for Single Adventists is Yanet Guarachi. Yanet, a Social Worker from the South American country of Bolivia, developed an interest in writing during her time at university, where an article she wrote on School Violence which was entered in a Social Scientific Writing Contest took first place. With a love for education, evangelism and singing, Yanet would like to write on topics which encourage readers to develop a relationship with God. “It’s a great opportunity to participate in a course based in another country which equips me to contribute in writing about the love of God for humanity,” she said.

Born into an Adventist Missionary family in Angola, Fernando Franko, who is of Portuguese nationality, lives in London where he is an active member in the Central London SDA Church based at the Advent Centre. With a background in finance and also medical missionary work both in Brazil and the UK, Fernando hopes to draw upon these gifts in writing about local church history and culture as a means of edification and inspiration to those within and outside of the church respectively. “Through my writing I want to reach others for Christ,” he said.

Originating from the sunny Caribbean Island of Jamaica, Sanjo Jeffrey, a teacher and Special Educational Needs Coordinator, recalls a love for reading and writing during her formative years in Jamaica. “I was always reading, whether that was Ebony Jnr magazines, Charles Dickens or any other books I found lying around the house,” says Sanjo. She continued: “I just loved to read and could be found hiding in some obscure place in the house so that I could read undisturbed instead of doing my chores. My love of reading also inspired my love of writing. I can remember bombarding my high school English teacher every day with a new story I had written the previous night. This love affair with words opened the door to my becoming an educator with a specialism in English Language and Literature.” Inspired by God’s message to the prophet Habakkuk to “Write the vision and make it plain,” (see Habakkuk 2:2) Sanjo, who attends the Stoke Newington SDA Church in London, intends to do the same with her writing. “Through the power of the pen, I desire to be a literary fisherwoman for God,” she said.

With the current cohort looking forward to their upcoming graduation which will take place on Sabbath 5th August 2023 at Stanborough Park Church, it is clear that the SEC Creative Writing for Evangelism class are intentionally responding to the great commission of Christ to His disciples in spreading the Gospel Good News to everyone who will listen.

If you would like to enrol in the SEC Creative Writing for Evangelism class during the 2023-24 Academic Year then please email SEC School of Evangelism, Mission & Leadership Director, Michael Mbui:, SEC Personal Ministries Secretary, Mavis Bramble: and SEC Creative Writing Course Tutors: Divinia, Darell and Brenda:

This article was produced by SEC Creative Writing for Evangelism Tutors: Darell Philip, Divinia Reynolds and Brenda Nelson along with the 2023 Cohort: Elvina Lee, Fernando Franko, Precious Chitwa, Sanjo Jeffrey and Yanet Guarachi.