New SEC Women’s Ministries Director Kicks off Area 4 Day of Fellowship in Kent
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Jun 27, 2024, 11:27 AMPamela Millington

New SEC Women’s Ministries Director Kicks off Area 4 Day of Fellowship in Kent

Sabbath 8 June 2024 was a glorious day in Broadstairs, Kent. The South England Conference (SEC) of Seventh-day Adventists, Area 4 Day of Fellowship took place with the theme “The God who sees!”.

Sis Anastasia Ross, newly appointed SEC Women’s Ministries Director welcomed everyone to the Nelson College.

Pastor Emmanuel Acheampong welcomed Sis Ross to his district. He explained that we are the first district to host Sis Ross.

All the presentations centred on the experience of Hagar who ran away to the desert to get away from Sarah.

Our speaker Pastor Nicole Gooden expounded on the story of Hagar highlighting three reasons why Hagar ran away. 1. Because of her relationship with God, 2. Because of the promises told from God and 3. Because of the new awareness of God.

The catering team did an excellent spread for everyone and there was food enough for all and more!

During the afternoon we went to the beach to distribute 100 beautifully wrapped food hampers with Adventist literature within them to the families in the community who we came across.

Chatham’s drum corps did us really proud and crowds gathered to listen to them play. The young people looked resplendent in their Pathfinder uniforms and played from the heart.

Pastor thanked everyone for attending the event and for their part in making it a success. Prayers were offered for all those we came into contact with that God will speak to them through the literature distributed and that they will want to get to know Him for themselves.

A great day was had by all. To God be the glory, great things he hath done!