Apr 10, 2017, 12:12 PMRichard Daly


On Sunday 9 April 2017, the South England Conference (SEC) Executive Committee took the decision to appoint Pastor Dr Emmanuel Osei as the next SEC President.

BUC President Pastor Ian Sweeney who chaired the meeting said in his letter to all workers in the Conference, "Following 4 hours of prayer and deliberation, the committee voted that Pastor Dr Emmanuel Osei be asked to serve as the South England Conference President for the remainder of this quadrennium. In arriving at this decision, the committee began the meeting with a devotional and prayer season led by Sister Veronica Williams, who currently serves as the SEC Prayer Ministries Coordinator… the committee prayerfully considered the multiple needs of the South England Conference and the characteristics that they would like to see in the President."

While Dr Osei had served as the 'acting' president for nine months, Pastor Sweeney explained the meticulous approach the committee made in the process of selecting the President, "Following this discussion, nominations were made, beginning with 11 names. Discussions to each name was given, which, via various rounds of voting were reduced to 7, then 3, then 2 and finally 1, with all rounds of voting preceded by prayer."

Dr Pastor Osei now continues the task of building on the platform Dr Richard de Lisser has made through the evangelistic thrust of 'Evangelism, Everyone, Everywhere'. We submit the Osei family in prayer, together with his wife Laura as well as continued prayer for our former President, Dr de Lisser, his wife Joanne and their son Akala.

A more detailed report will be provided by the SEC communication department later today.