New beginning at Walthamstow
walhtamstwo baptism 2024 2

Jun 27, 2024, 11:22 AMRay Marshall

New beginning at Walthamstow

It was a glorious afternoon in East London, bathed in hot sunshine on the afternoon of the 22nd June 2024. The heavenly angels were rejoicing at Walthamstow SDA church, as we witnessed the baptism of our newest member, Nikola Howell.

Nikola first came to Walthamstow earlier this year and has instantly become a loved member of our family.

Her baptismal service was attended by her children, her mother, her sister and many friends. Pastor Stanley Teixeira led the service (which was his first baptism at Walthamstow). In his message, he spoke of the biblical meaning of baptism in terms of cleansing and deliverance.

To the sounds of hymns and praise & worship songs, the waters were indeed troubled as Nikola shed tears of joy as she stepped right in and was baptised.
We welcome our newest member and her family to our Walthamstow family.