"Mega" Baby Blessing at Holloway Church
Mega baby blessing at Holloway Church 2

Nov 15, 2023, 3:35 PMAnnell Smith

"Mega" Baby Blessing at Holloway Church

Sabbath, 21st October 2023, marked a historic moment for 'Baby Blessing' at Holloway SDA Church, as Resident Senior Pastor Kwesi Moore performed Baby Dedication services for eight children.

Various families, often interconnected, were represented. Interestingly, most parents who presented their children to the Lord are not currently members of the SDA church. Nevertheless, it was evident that they valued the deep spiritual significance of the service.

The atmosphere in the sanctuary was joyful, vibrant, and celebratory, offset by a reverent solemnity as each child was presented to God.

Ironically, this 'Mega Blessing' phenomenon was initiated by a similar service a few weeks prior. Word spread, and family members were impressed to bring their children—some now grown, walking, and speaking—to be blessed. These parents were clearly motivated by the conviction that it was imperative for these children to be presented to the Lord before proceeding further in life.

The Elders assisted with the laying on of hands and holding up the precious lives before the Lord. The church was filled with family and friends who came to witness this notable life event. Following the service, gifts were shared by church administrators, and parents left the platform with tangible evidence of the love being shared.

The congregation was impressed by the power of service, hospitality, and Godly influence. It appears that we should never underestimate the evangelistic impact of an intentional, Holy Spirit-filled baby dedication. The biblical counsel that whatever our hands find to do should be done with all our might and to the Glory of God is a sobering reminder that God is willing to use all who are willing to be used by Him.