Sep 6, 2018, 10:03 AMNorma Borrett

Lowestoft Church Fair

Showers were forecast, but prayers for a bright day were answered when, on Sunday August 19, members of Lowestoft Church in Area 8 came together with the community for a Community Fair and Fun event. The bunting fluttered as the spacious green front lawn was transformed with food stands, picnic seating, an arts and craft station, and a grass track for fun competitions. This annual summer festivity was extra special this year, because it celebrated the completion of some recent renovations to the grounds and building of Lowestoft Church, including new double-glazed windows; replacement of the main entrance doors; cleaning and painting of the side of the building that faces the main street; and the installation of outside flood lights. Planned as a no-strings-attached outreach, the Community Fair and Fun event offered an open invitation for the community to meet and greet their church neighbours -some for the first time-in a relaxing, familiar atmosphere. It also gave the church a chance to highlight its vision of being the welcoming space where the Good News is lived and shared by the local community, in the community.

Overall the Church Fair and Fun event was well attended, with about 60 people coming along at various times during the day. Food and drinks were provided by church members and their families and friends, who graciously gave of their time and effort to make a delicious spread of healthful fare; also, cakes were served by volunteers of the local Elderly Day Centre that meets in Lowestoft Church on weekdays.

Later in the afternoon, the young-at-heart joined with the children in some traditional competitions: egg and spoon races, tug-of-war, three-legged races and even a Piñata to round off the fun and fellowship. With many laughs enjoyed by participants and spectators alike, new friendships made, and warm memories created, it was an afternoon of rich blessing for the Lowestoft Church community, whose unofficial motto- “Love God; love people”- turned into showers of blessings and inspiration for future community ministry and fellowship.