May 8, 2019, 3:36 PMAvery Davis

Lord, Heal Our Land: Health & Healing at Luton Central

On Sabbath 27 April 2019, Luton Central's Health, Women's and Men's Ministries came together to focus on aspects of health and healing. Sharon Platt-McDonald, British Union Conference Health, Community Services and Women's Ministries director, delivered a dynamic and relevant message applying Jeremiah 30:17 and Isaiah 61:1-4 to the challenges of our everyday lives, touching on emotional, physical, spiritual and mental dysfunction and well-being. The congregation responded enthusiastically as she shared real-life examples of miraculous interventions that she had witnessed in her ministry.

In the afternoon, Dr Sarah Itam, Urological Surgeon, rounded off the day with a Prostate Cancer Awareness presentation, dispelling many of the myths and 'fake facts' that exist. Some of the important facts shared were:

1 in 4 black men will develop prostate cancer at some point in their lives. Caucasian men are much lower at 1 in 8. Prostate cancer is not an 'old man's disease'. If you are a man and aged 40 or over, you can request PSA diagnostic blood tests and investigations from your GP.

Dr Itam speaking candidly said, "prostate cancer is a disease that only men can have, but the impact on the spouse and the rest of the family is just as significant.

The men present, who for once almost outnumbered the women, parried questions back and forth, while others busily scribbled notes as Dr Itam outtlined simple steps that every man can take to lower his risk of developing prostate cancer. It was a presentation that left a clear message of the importance of not only becoming aware of possible risk-lowering strategies, but also educating others of this disease and putting these actions into practice.