Local Man Spreads Message of Faith Through Custom T-Shirts
Photo credit: Trans-European Division

SEC CommunicationsUnited Kingdom

Local Man Spreads Message of Faith Through Custom T-Shirts

Smith proves that not even age can stop a person from fulfilling God’s mission

A 92-year-old man has taken to the streets of his community wearing custom-made T-shirts bearing messages of Christian faith. Despite facing challenges in life, Smith feels compelled to use his clothing as a platform to share God's love with others.

The lifelong member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church had the idea to print evangelistic messages on shirts after feeling inspired by the Holy Spirit. He started with one T-shirt but hoped to expand the collection with different inspirational phrases and Bible verses.

Smith can often be found around town, striking up conversations with people who notice his eye-catching tops. He aims to connect with others meaningfully and share his Christian perspective. If the opportunity arises, he tries to follow up with those he meets to continue the spiritual discussion.

The local conference's Personal Ministries leader lauds the nonagenarian's creativity and passion for outreach. She has been assisting Smith with brainstorming the most uplifting and thought-provoking shirt slogans. They hope to spread positivity while sparking people's interest in learning more about God.

Despite his advanced age, members say Smith's faith and determination to make a difference are inspiring. He asks for prayers as he embarks on this heartfelt mission to touch lives for Christ.

The original version of this story was posted on the Trans-European Division news site.