Hope for London

Jul 19, 2023, 9:52 AMDarell J. Philip

Hope for London

LAAC Day of Fellowship

Hundreds poured into the Lighthouse Theatre in Camberwell, South East London for the London Area Advisory Council (LAAC) Day of Fellowship on Sabbath 15th July 2023, the first gathering in four years due to Covid.

Addressing the theme for the day, Hope for London, LAAC Chair, Pastor Anthony Opoku-Mensah, welcomed those in the auditorium reminding them of the message of hope they have to share with Londoners facing some of the toughest challenges in recent times. “Without a shadow of a doubt people are desperate. There is despair everywhere, from rising cost of living, homelessness, NHS and teacher strikes. Yet it is through us sharing the love of Jesus with others that we bring hope to those around us who feel broken, lonely, crushed or burdened and in need of salvation which Jesus, through the sacrifice of Himself, has made possible for all,” said Pastor Opoku-Mensah.

Trans-European Division Field Secretary, Pastor Ian Sweeney, BUC President, Pastor Eglan Brooks and SEC President, Pastor Emmanuel Osei, greeted the members while also encouraging them to continue to be a shining light in an ever increasing dark world.

The Sabbath school took the form of a powerfully emotive play – From hardship to faith, directed by award winning playwright, Mark Grey, which showed how God reunited refugee siblings who had been separated in the UK with one deported to Albania despite having had the correct documents allowing them to remain in the country. While Sulesh, played by Joshua Grey, lost hope, his deported sister, Eniah’s (played by Miracle Burnett) prayers and faith in God led to their being reunited in the end.

Pastor Julian Thompson, a professor at Newbold College was joined by three students who each shared their reasons as to why people should consider choosing to study at Newbold as a means to further the Gospel of Christ throughout the earth. Representatives from ASNA were also present to share awareness and accommodate the needs of those with disabilities and special needs.

Members were on their feet in amazement as the Pathfinders Drum Corp led by Roz Parson and Alberto Francis expertly drummed and marched into the building in single file with the platform party following behind them.

Special guest speaker, Dr Abraham Jules, who hails from the Caribbean Island of Trinidad and currently serves as President of the Northeastern Conference of SDA in New York, expounded on Revelation 21:1-6, letting the audience know that proximity, creativity, security and eternity are all linked and found in a relationship with God through Christ, who “has a tissue for every issue,” and has promised a crown of glory and a place in Heaven for all those who remain faithful to Him to the very end and share this same blessed hope with those in London needing to hear it.

To top off the powerful sermon, the day came to a fitting conclusion with a House of Praise concert featuring various groups from within the four London areas, including: The Croydon Gospel and Youth Choirs, The Ghanaian Group, The Singing Melodies, Enlightened, East London School of Music (ELSOM), Resurrection and the London Adventist Chorale amongst others.