Hackney Youth are 'The Sermon'
hackneys global youth day 2019 2

Apr 17, 2019, 12:46 PMDarell J. Philip

Hackney Youth are 'The Sermon'

The world celebrated Global Youth Day on Sabbath 16th March 2019.

To mark the occasion, Hackney’s youth decided to Be The Sermon as they went out into the local community and beyond sharing the love of Jesus with everyone. Before heading out for the day, the youth had an inspiring prayer breakfast session with Pastor Joojo Bonnie and his lovely wife who prepared the breakfast which went down a storm with everyone. Testimonies were then shared of new jobs gained, examinations passed but also of potential job redundancies and incidents of stabbings outside school premises.

Pastoral Assistant, Elder Japheth Obese-Amankwah, was on hand along with Pastor Bonnie, to pray for the youth in light of the testimonies which were shared and also for God to be with them as they ministered out into the community.

Having been both physically and then spiritually fed, the youth, armed with tracts, bookmarks and snack bags, ventured out into the community where they ministered to the needs of the homeless, young and old, before giving thanks to God in song and prayer for how He had used them as a witness in the community throughout the day.

Upon their return to church, each young person was given the opportunity to testify during the AYS what the Lord had done through them in ministry to those in need in the community.