Aug 1, 2018, 10:13 AMDARELL J PHILIP

God Loves Everyone, No Exceptions

"God loves everyone, no exceptions," were told the members and visitors attending Hackney's Community Ministries Day on Sabbath 21stJuly 2018. Sabbath School Superintendent, Vivian Weekes, spoke about the importance of church members working together in order to fulfil the Gospel commission of teaching and leading others to Christ. This admonition was appropriately followed by the lesson study which demonstrated how the early church were in once accord, dependent on the Holy Spirit to lead and direct them in fellowship and evangelism, meeting each other's needs.

Community Ministries Leader, Vilma Williams, shared with the congregation the work the team have been doing in the community. "Each month we go out into the West End to feed and clothe the many homeless to be found there," she said. She added: "During the week we run a food bank in the church to help those in need within the community. It's a lovely experience reaching out to others and the team all work together well." The Community Ministries leader also congratulated and presented certificates to members of the team who had successfully completed their certification in Food Hygiene.

In his message entitled, Go and Do Likewise, Hackney's Minister, Pastor Joojo Bonnie, focused on the parable of the Good Samaritan. Touching on the Samaritan's kind treatment of the suffering servant, he said: "You have to be intentional on treating others right. For this to happen it requires coming out of your comfort zone to help someone you wouldn't normally." Pastor Bonnie then added: "In every situation we encounter in life we must always ask ourselves, what would Jesus do? Then go and do likewise."

The service concluded with Pastor praying for the church to be one which continues to make a positive impact in the community as well as prayers for two young people - Stephanie Charles and Riann Brooks, who returned to the church having successfully completed their 3 year university degrees to the glory and honour of God.